Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sibling Love

The kids really dig this new little babe in our home.  Who can blame them?  He's pretty darn loveable.  And adorable.  And tiny.  And fun to photograph. Hence, the plethora of pictures that follow. (You can't tell me you don't think of The Three Amigos when you read 'plethora')

Max is constantly talking about how cute Tucker is:

  • "What if there was a contest of, like, 100 babies?  Tucker would be the cutest.  He would win that contest."
  • The other day we were driving and had a gorgeous view of the mountains.  I called the family's attention to their beauty and Max said, "But nothing is more beautifuler than you, Mom.  Not even the mountains."  Sweet son.  Then he says, "But you aren't cuter than Tucker.  Nobody is cuter than Tucker."  I couldn't disagree. :)

Kelly could be found in this exact position with Tucker for days after we brought him home.  She stayed there for a solid two hours holding him one day.  I kept asking if she wanted me to take him.  "No, I'm fine."  She is often by his side when I cannot be and will bring me a burp cloth and pacifier when I sit down with him..."just in case."  I love hearing her say, "We've got a spit up here!" But she always wants to take care of it herself, "I've got it.  I've got it.  It's okay.  I've got it."  What a little momma.  And such a sweet sister.

Everett wasn't so sure about our newest addition for the first day or so.  He'd give me sideways glances when I was holding and caring for Tucker.  Then there was a moment that made my mother's heart happy.  I was in the kitchen (which looks into the family room), Tucker was asleep in his boppy on the couch, and Everett was playing in the family room.  I saw Everett notice Tucker from across the room.  He crossed the room and stood there, just looking at him for a few moments.  Then his little hand reached out and caressed Tucker's hair.  And finally, he planted a kiss on Tucker's cheek.  I cried a little because it was so sweet and also because I felt that was the moment of acceptance for the Ev Man.  Often during nursing sessions I hold Tucker with one hand and sword fight Ev with the other because he craves a little extra attention at those times.  Tonight when I was burping the babe, Everett climbed up on the couch next to me with his own babe and copied my actions.  Tuck is one lucky boy to have the hilarious and cute Everett D to copy and follow around for the next several years of his life!

So there you have it, acceptance all around.  We are all decidedly happy/overjoyed/delighted to have Tucker Elliott join our family!  The picture below captures perfectly how we feel...happy and tired. :)


Madsen Family said...

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I love,love, love all the photos. What a cute baby. What a cute family. I LOVE that Kelly held Tucker for two hours. Can I just say that is just the difference btwn boys and girls (well, at least my boy). He'd NEVER hold Lucy for two hours, though he does love her. I love all the pictures. Hope you get some more sleep (and hope your dang itchiness has ended). Snuggle that cute baby--they grow far too fast!

Betsy B. said...

What a darling story about Ev. I can't wait to meet Tucker!