Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Papa & Grammy

My parents - Papa Dan and Grammy - were here for a week!  During that week we found out that Ty was going to have to go to Georgia for 5 days for work the following my dad stuck around to help me out.  It was a wonderful visit!  I got to sleep late and I hardly lifted a finger to do anything.  The kids, of course, loved having them here.  While they were here they made pizza, play dough, and Karmel Korn.  They sent the kids on a little Easter hunt.  We went for a nice walk to see the animals at a nearby farm.  Papa helped to give a fun Family Home Evening lesson on Wilferd Woodruff and  he also got to go to Max's first t-ball game (not something that will happen often living so far away).  Oh, and we did a lot of snuggling with a new baby boy. :)  We sure miss them and can't wait to go to Vegas in a few months!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

What precious sweet time you got to spend with your wonderful parents. Your dad seems so tender in some of these pics. I love the one that he is walking down the road with them and cooking with them. Such a patient and sweet man. Your mom is just plain adorable with those kids.