Monday, April 30, 2012

Toothless Wonder

My little boy (who was just a baby yesterday, by the way) has lost a total of 6 teeth.  That's right, 6.  And brother isn't even 6 years old yet!  The two middle bottoms were out a while ago, but I think it's just been in the past month (month and a half?) that he's lost the other 4.  He is so cute all toothless.  I'm sure there will be some awkwardness as the adult teeth grow in to his still very little face, but what is childhood without awkwardness? He'll still be cute as ever.

Yesterday Max was talking about how we say bottom instead of butt at our house.  Then he wanted to make sure that booty was okay "because I like to sing 'shake my booooo-ty' and it just doesn't sound right singing 'shake my botttt-om'."  Permission was granted.

I have to say a word about Maxwell T's confidence.  I dig it.  The other day the kids were getting ready to leave the house, Max was on his way to school, and Kelly got out her scarf. I made scarves for Max and Kelly for Christmas.  Max wanted his scarf too but couldn't find it, so he decided that he'd wear one of Kelly's pink scarves.  I asked, "Are you sure you want to wear that, Max?" He responded with an it's-so-obvious-mom, "Yeah!"  I had two seconds where I worried that he might get made fun of at school, but then I remembered who I was worrying about.  I don't think that at this time in his life Max would ever feel made fun of even if it was someone's intent.  He likes what he likes and doesn't care much what anyone else thinks.  Brother is confident. Maybe oblivious to meanness? I hope it stays that way and that he can rock a pink scarf anytime he pleases.

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