Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Humpty Dumpty Day

The Kindergartners had a Humpty Dumpty Day - make a contraption with a raw egg in the middle that can be dropped from the top of the school without breaking.  This is a serious undertaking when your dad is a rockstar engineer!  Life was super busy and so Ty and Max weren't able to start on it until the night before it was due after Ty got home from the Young Men activity at 8:30.  It involved oil for viscosity purposes (I had to ask what viscosity meant), rocks glued to the bottom of the can, rubber bands, was awesomely involved.  Max was really excited about it!  Note the sign that reads "THIS SIDE UP!"  Well, Mr. Janitor must not have read the memo when he threw it off the roof (shown below).  Max was so worried when it was thrown.  He told me after, "But it said please!"  He'd made sure to add the 'please' the night before so that whoever threw it would be sure to drop it the right way.  BUT IT MADE IT!  Maxwell's egg survived!  

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