Monday, April 30, 2012

Let's Go Fly a Kite!

It was perfect kite-flying weather here in Western Washington today.  The hubs realized this and came home early from work so that we could finally fly that Buzz Lightyear kite Santa brought the kiddos this year. It was super fun; the perfect Family Home Evening activity.  They each got to send Buzz flying by holding him over their head and Kelly and Ev both wanted a hand at the controls.  At one point when Ty was flying it the hand reel broke and the kite went FLYING across the field.  I was laughing so hard.  Ty went running after it and the kids who had been watching gleefully suddenly became slightly hysterical as they ran after Dad and the kite they were afraid of losing forever.  Everett came running back toward me full-on sobbing.  I still couldn't stop laughing.  The kite landed on the roof of the school, but Ty was able to catch the string before it got too far and get it flying again and back to the safety of an open field.  That will be one of those memories that I'll be able to recall with fresh laughter every time.  I noticed the background when I was looking through the pictures - the trees, sky, and clouds...I live in a beautiful place!  AND I have a dang cute family who I adore.  These are the kind of days I love.

Tucker and I were there too, of course, but he was bundled in the wrap and I was the photog.  Here is a picture of him snoozing today...little man is getting chub and growing fast!

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