Saturday, January 02, 2010

Never underestimate...

the power of the nesting instinct!

I thought it had passed me by. I thought the fatigue was too powerful and my belly was too big to have any desire to lean over and scrub anything. I was totally wrong.

Tonight the kids took a bath in our bathroom and as the water was draining I saw that the tub could stand a cleaning. That's all it took. Suddenly I was cleaning all of the bathrooms - really cleaning them. Clearing out mostly empty bottles of things that I don't know why I ever save. Scrubbing areas that usually don't get as much attention. I even cleaned the top of the shower heads (and wondered to myself why in the world I don't clean the tops of the shower heads every time I clean the bathroom). Then it was on to many mirrored surfaces all over the house and de-cluttering. Suddenly everything in my house looks like it needs to be cleaned and/or organized.

Right now I want to: sweep and mop all floors in my house, wipe down every surface of my refrigerator - inside and out, clean the ceiling fan in the dining room, do touch-up paint in the hallway, clean out my oven, scrub the kitchen sink with Comet, borrow my friend's Cricket machine to make some vinyl lettering for a few projects I've had in mind, do all of the laundry, bake something, paint my toenails red (which I'm actually going to do right now)...

I made myself sit down to spread the love over the next few weeks. I'll be just 37 weeks tomorrow so I know I've got some time before Everett makes his entrance. I've already done a lot of projects and cleaning this week, so if I go as crazy tonight as I want to then there will be nothing left by, like, tomorrow. Good thing I've got two little mess-makers living with me to keep my nesting satisfied in case I run out of ideas...


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

janet said...

what is that comment above? some generated for the masses? Although, your blog is getting better and better :)

ANyway, about the nesting. I love those deep cleaning moments. I wish I had such an urge AFTER the baby arrives. I must go and do my dishes so they don't sit overnight....

Amanda said...

I'm still in the "I'm tired so my house looks like a bomb went off stage". I can't wait for that "nesting" to kick into gear. I think I'm almost there!