Monday, January 18, 2010

Ramblings of a VERY pregnant woman...

Everett has asserted his independence. All of my kids have had Sunday due dates, Everett included. At exactly 39 weeks with Max and Kelly my water broke in the early hours of Sunday morning. No such luck this time around...Sunday has come and gone with little action. I contract all the time, but nothing sustainable. I wonder if I will have contractions that lead me into labor or if my water will break again? It's funny because I feel like babies just come on the weekends so I felt last night that my window for this week had closed until next Sunday. Hopefully I am totally wrong. I am very ready for this little man to be in my arms. I am so excited to meet him and see what he looks like. (If he has no hair then I have totally dispelled the old wive's tale that indigestion = hair.) I am ready for the PUPP (pregnancy rash all over my belly, legs and arms that itches like cu-razy) to be gone. I know that he's coming out sooner than later...I just really want it to be sooner, sooner. Maybe he wants to be born on a Tuesday like his older brother (yep, water broke on a Sunday with Max but he wasn't born until 12:09 a.m. on Tuesday). Time will tell. I just need to come up with things to keep myself busy this week since I really thought I would have a babe to fill my time and a husband at home; shouldn't be hard with two fun kiddos to play with.
Max has a few things that he says in nearly every prayer. Usually his prayer starts out like this: "We thank thee for this wONDERful ev-u-ning that we could have in the Spirit. And please bless the Spirit that he will be healthy."

At first it just made us smile, but I've thought a lot about this prayer and just how the Spirit (referring to the Holy Ghost) can be "healthy". For the Spirit to be "healthy" in our lives requires work on our part. If we want to have the Spirit with us, then we have to be worthy of it; we have to listen to him. We play an active role in the "health" of the Spirit in our lives. I think about that now every time Max prays - What am I doing to ensure the health of the Spirit in my life?

Last night I had a good, long cry and prayer. I needed it. * Ty doesn't have to go to school today (hooray!) so we get to have Family Home Evening on Monday this week. * Why do they put the Primary in charge of Priesthood Preview? All we did was turn it over to the Bishopric and Deacons Quorum and then provided refreshments. * Why do coughs linger SO long with me? I had a cold last week for about a day, but now every night brings coughing and really bad sleep as a result. Is there anything I can do to speed along the process of it going away? * Can my kids be any cuter? I love everything about their little faces and their personalities * I am so humbled and grateful to be a mom * I think we'll go to the library today...and maybe make some cookies because, darn it, I totally deserve some sugar right now.


Carrie said...

I never fully understood the pleadings a pregnant mother has for her unborn child to come SOON during those last few weeks of pregnancy until I experienced it myself! Those are long, uncomfortable days and miserable, restless nights.
Hang in there! We'll pray this little man comes soon and that you'll all be completely ready for him, even if it isn't a weekend.

Keep us updated!!!

Carrie said...

I never fully understood the pleadings a pregnant mother has for her unborn child to come SOON during those last few weeks of pregnancy until I experienced it myself! Those are long, uncomfortable days and miserable, restless nights.
Hang in there! We'll pray this little man comes soon and that you'll all be completely ready for him, even if it isn't a weekend.

Keep us updated!!!

Emily Youngdell said...

Oh man, I feel for you. I remember those days far too well. The last week or two is torture! I say eat up those cookies, you deserve it. :) I Love ya, and thinking about you. Hang in there.

Madsen Family said...

Wow, those were some serious ramblings. But I love 'em. I hope that cute baby boy of yours comes quick! Can't wait to hear the news. Good luck to youa nd hang in there!

Derek and Tara Larsen said...

How funny, I've had three sunday due dates too. (the first two times I actually went to church pregnant on my due date. "now when are you due?" "TODAY") Those last few days of a pregnancy are SO HARD! I always say I wish the first month with a new baby could last as long as the last month of the pregnancy. Hang in there, our thoughts are with you, and hopefully he'll be here very soon! P.S. I always love reading your posts and ramblings, you have such a great way of expressing some of the things so many of us feel! :) best of luck this week.