Sunday, January 24, 2010

(past) DUE to DELIVER

January 24th - Everett Daniel is "due" to arrive. Maybe we neglected to let him in on this bit of information. I did find out that my doctor won't let me go more than a week past my due he will be here this week no matter what.

Today was a really great day at Church. Tyler and Kelly stayed home sick (that's not the great part), so it was just me and the Maxster. Sacrament meeting held the peace and spirit that I was seeking. I have been quite emotional as of late about still holding Everett on the inside instead of in my arms. Sleep isn't so easy these days, my pregnancy rash is spreading, and I am now worried about being induced and how my body and baby will react to that (pitocin with Max was NOT a great experience). My mom comes on Wednesday and I want to be sure that he is here either before or just after he comes so that she can work her Momma Magic and give me the help I need - and she wants to give - post-baby. The one friend who I knew would cause me to break down if she even looked at me (Tristalene) approached me right after sacrament meeting. She's one of those wonderful friends who knows me really well and always says the right thing. She and I went to the Mother's Lounge where I was able to let the tears flow. Her third babe was late. She knew just what to say and not say.

I keep wondering why I am struggling so much with this - I know that he is coming and it's only a few more days, so why am I SO emotional? Is it because I'm a control freak? Maybe. Is it because I am 9 months pregnant and have hormonal imbalances as a result? I like that option better.

I had Tyler give me a blessing last was oh, so beautiful and spoke directly to my heart and Spirit. The main message I received? Chill out, lady! This is not a big deal. Enjoy your last few days with the two kids you have and the TIME you'll be able to give them. This little guy will be well worth the wait of a few more days. Then we watched a little Church History DVD about the pioneers and I felt pretty silly for complaining about going to my due date (now just one day past) to have a healthy baby boy and then to bring him to a comfortable home. A little perspective does a girl some good!

So today...I'm going to bake with my kids, do my visiting teaching, help Max make the Bishop a Thank You card for the Transformer he gave him yesterday, play with play dough, sit in my massage chair, clean out my oven, finish this week's reading and get ahead on my Book of Mormon homework...and try NOT to wonder when my labor is going to start. :)


Anonymous said...

i feel your pain!! andrew was on his due date, levi was a week early and benjamin?! 4 days late!!!!!! (and i was induced). i could not believe it!! hang in there.:) have fun baking! and i can't wait to see a post about everett!!

sillymama said...

Should I even tell you that my darling, dimpled Cory was 15 days post due?

Danalin said...

No, no you shouldn't. :) Luckily, my doctor doesn't like going more than a week past the date. He said that he has seen some perfectly normal pregnancies have complications when they've gone more than a week past their due date. And since my mom is coming on Wednesday night, it looks like he will induce (if necessary) on Friday.

janet said...

I love you, Dana! As if 9 months isn't long enough!!!! It's amazing the plethora of emotions we go through. I bawled like a baby the day before Simon was born... I was such a basket-case. I am so glad you have a friend at church you can cry to. Good luck with everything.. and try to remember that they come when they are supposed to. The most frustrating experiences are the ones that teach us the most.

Have a great time with your mom and try to relax.. I will keep you in my prayers! Lots of love from Vegas.

Shawna said...

My doctor freaked out about Miss Mandy being late too. I don't have anything to compare it too, but I don't think that I like inducement! I'm all for the baby staying in as long as they want. :)
Sorry to hear that you're struggling. You're almost done!

Mommy said...

Not bragging or anything, but I had CJ 2 weeks early because I tried to find out anything I could (wivestales) to get him out! The ladies (midwives) at the Hospital gave me all sorts of ideas that supposedly work. And I also had my membrane stripped. I think that's what really did it. I'll be trying some of those things again in a few months to try and get this one out early, too. You are awesome and are a great example to me in many ways! Hang in there! Love ya!