Friday, January 08, 2010

Pregnancy Dream

Tyler and I were walking in a huge, semi-shallow swimming pool that was in the middle of a professional building with offices all over the place. Suddenly I was aware that I'd given birth and my baby (the chubbiest newborn EVER) went swimming by himself to the side of the pool. We all got out and I felt panicked because our son needed his mouth cleared of something and there wasn't a doctor around. I felt really helpless. Finally this lady walks up to us and we know that she's the doctor. She takes the baby, flops him on a lounge chair, runs her finger through his mouth, then asks me if I like her outfit (she was dressed in a black and white checkered suit). She was on her cell phone the whole time. I was so annoyed that she was asking about her outfit - I had just given birth! They send us on our way, like we just had a doctor's appointment. We got home and I realized I hadn't called my mom to even tell her I was in labor. She was so freaked out that we were home 3 hours after the baby had been born and that they hadn't even checked us out medically. I then went shopping at this small boutique, of course. When I came back my "baby" was almost as tall as Max and looked NOTHING like our family. I had a hard time feeling a connection to him. He was playing with Max and then all of a sudden he was missing. We looked everywhere and found him playing in a shed full of wood in the backyard (which we don't have). We brought him back inside and locked the door, but within minutes he'd figured out how to unlock the door and was back outside playing in the pile of wood. All I could think was 'What are we going to do?! He is only a few hours old and he's already escaping through locked doors. Plus he's HUGE!'

Then I woke up. Go ahead, interpret away!


Unknown said...

I have no interpretation but I was laughing out loud reading about your dream! So Funny!!! I can't wait for you to have Everett!!

janet said...

I am wiping tears from my eyes.. Before I can interpret, I need to ask a few questions:


What did you buy at the small boutique?

AND most importantly, did your baby/man-child look at all like Chucky from the horror movies?

Danalin said...

Okay, Jan, here are your answers :)

Her outfit was okay...totally not my taste, but she looked nice and I remember thinking, 'It will be nice when my waist looks like that in clothes again.'

I don't think I bought anything, which is generally true of me in small boutiques. I like to look, but most of the stuff is overpriced.

My son didn't look like Chucky, but I'm going to be honest - I didn't think he was very cute. I think that had something to do with not feeling a connection to him. He wasn't a very cute little boy.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a severe case of indigestion.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is me yer Dad

Derek and Tara Larsen said...

I need to send Derek over to your blog to read your dream story so that he knows I'm not the only one who has "Really Weird" dreams.

I have heard that "water" in dreams represents movement or change. So like a change happening in your life, which makes total sense since you're having a baby, maybe it even means its getting really close.

A lot of the other stuff sounds a lot like my prego dreams,When pregnant with Holley I dreamed she came out as a bun. (ie "bun in the oven") She looked like a cinnamon roll, and I had to practice self control so as not to eat her. And I dreamed Brinley was born a rabbit and I didn't want to nurse her cause she kept biting me with her bunny teeth. So I guess my most accurate interpretation would be is "Sounds like you're pregnant!"
Thanks for sharing your funny dream. :)

Derek and Tara Larsen said...

PS It's probably good you didn't buy anything at the boutique, I ALWAYS have shopping dreams and get really GREAT stuff, and wake up totally bummed that I didn't really have all the cool stuff I just bought.