Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tender Mercies

I was really hoping for Everett's quick arrival (if you couldn't tell from my last post :) )...

and then I got sick. One day last week I felt it coming on, but it never really materialized except for a horrible cough at night. Yesterday, though, it hit me like a mac truck. All I could do was thank Heavenly Father that Everett hadn't been born yet. Literally, that's about all I felt energy for. Tender mercy #1.

My kids played really well all day long, without much help from me. They seemed content to do their thing while I laid around. AND they didn't make a single destructive mess, which, let's be honest, usually happens when Mom isn't being as vigilant and the kids are aware they can get away with it. Tender mercy #2.

Yesterday was Tuesday. Not Monday, not Wednesday, not Thursday. It is the one day sandwiched in there that Ty does not have school or Young Men's. Soon after he walked in the door I was able to slip upstairs for a LONG bath and rest in my bed until dinner was ready. I came down and ate...and that's the most work I had to do all night. Tender mercy #3.

Last night, just before bed, the fog started to lift. I slept without much coughing and only had to wake up once. Kelly came in at 6 a.m. and, miracle of miracles, after a little snuggle let me put her back in bed without a peep and both kids (and myself) slept until 8:00 a.m. That hasn't happened for quite some time - it's been 7:00 a.m. or earlier. Tender mercy #4.

I feel like a new woman today. Still a little stuffy, still a bit of a cough, but I can function and I have energy for the laundry and floor cleaning I wanted to accomplish today. Kelly's nose is running, which I actually think is great because hopefully she'll get it and be done in time to give Everett all of the snuggles and kisses I know she'll want to plant on him when she meets him for the first time. So maybe even that is tender mercy #5.

I am grateful for a Father in Heaven who knows more than I do and who gives me these tender mercies to make my life better than it would be if I were in charge.


Anonymous said...

so glad you are feeling better! sounds like you guys are ready for everett and that it ended up being for the best that he has stayed put!:) can't wait to see a baby update with pictures!!! good luck girl! :)

The Smitleys said...

I'm sorry you have been sick. Almost all of us here have been sick too especially Loren. I loved your blog about how heavenly father can give us those little blessings that we can and probably all have skipped over a few times. I am also grateful for a heavenly father who can help us through our trials and I am grateful for your friendship. The gospel has brought so many wonderful blessings into my life and true friendship is one of them. You are in my thoughts and prayers now because I know you are close to having your baby. Hope all is well you, your baby and your family.
Sarah and the rest of the Smitleys. ;) <3

Carrie said...

I love when Heavenly Father reminds us that He's in charge and that He knows better than we do what we need.

Our prayers will be with you over these next few days.

Hang in there little mamma!!!

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janet said...

what's going on with all these random comments?

Anyway, loved this post. You have always been one to see the positive in every situation. Your children are so lucky to have such a mother!