Monday, December 21, 2009

Precious Gift

Yesterday I sang in the ward choir at Church. Before the program began, I was worried about who my kids were going to sit with (since Tyler and I were both singing and would have to be on the stand the entire duration of sacrament meeting) and whether Kelly would be okay with it or scream for me. I felt a little uptight. It was time to get on the stand and I handed Kelly to one of my former Young Women who was home visiting from college (and with whom Kelly had no previous interaction). I prepared myself for the tears…but they never came! Not one bit of a fuss. Tender mercy.

I stood with the choir while we sang and listened to beautiful narration for about 40 minutes. My kids waved at me and smiled. My husband sang his solo beautifully. I was enveloped in love for - and from - my Savior. I know that Jesus of Bethlehem who was born so long ago was, indeed, the Christ. I am in awe of His mission. I am in awe of His mother, Mary, and the circumstances surrounding the birth of her son, whom she would selflessly give to all of us. I am grateful for a season dedicated to focusing on Him, His birth, and what that means for me. Because He was born and lived the way that He did, I know that I can return to live with our Father in Heaven again. My personal relationship with the Savior is the greatest gift and blessing I have ever received in this life. It is one that will never be out of style, stop fitting or working; it has no expiration date and gives much more than it requires in order to work. It is mine to keep and treasure always...indeed, the most precious gift!


Madsen Family said...

Nicely and aptly put. I echo your sentiment. I love this time of year and the gift that is the birth, life and death of our Savior. I love to add my own voice to the hosanas that were sung at the advent of his life. Merry Christmas!

val said...

great post. i sang with the ward choir too. wish it was the same one. i would have loved to have heard ty sing.