Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ever wondered...

...what it would feel like to have a thousand pins pricking your skin from the inside?

Yeah, me either.  But that is exactly how my body felt last night and I am still tender today. It goes from crazy itch to crazy scratching to pin pricks from my neck down to feeling like my body is on fire. Remember how I said I was done throwing pity parties?  Turns out I'm not. Venting makes me feel better.  I cannot sit normally on a couch at night - I have to perch on the edge because all of that contact makes me feel like my body is on fire and then I just have to cry. Clothes are awful. I cried for a looooong time last night and sat in an oatmeal bath for over an hour. Looks like I've hit my breaking point.  Until yesterday I was feeling like I could tough it out a while longer.  Today I called my doctor to give him a head's up that I want to be induced as early as we can arrange it next week.  The baby's arrival is just part of solving this issue, though.  Dr. Christen says that this is PUPPP so I know that delivery is the only cure, but it's not instantaneous.  After Ev was born, it stuck around for another 3 weeks (though what I've read about it says it should be gone within 1-2 weeks).  What I wouldn't give to have the PUPPP rash that I had with Ev...and I thought that stunk. We'll see what I work out with Dr. Christen and what he can work out with the hospital.

The part about this that really stinks?  I just want to think about the fact that I am bringing a tiny baby boy into the world very soon!  I want to rub my belly and talk to him, but I can't do anything but scratch.  It is just so darn consuming.  And I don't like it.  Not one bit.

While I can't do anything about the discomfort, I can do my best to rise above it.  I want to totally enjoy my kids and get super psyched for our baby to come; that's my goal for the next several days. Now excuse me while I go scratch until I bleed. :)


Kristen said...

Ahhh Dana!!! This must be soo stinkin hard. I know this because I know you are a tough woman. I hope that you can get induced as soon as possible. I am thinking and praying for you. Love you!

Betsy B. said...

Oh dear! I love you lots and I keep praying for you and sending good thoughts your way.