Tuesday, November 27, 2007


This past week was absolutely stuffed full of fun! I have the best in-laws in the world - mother, father, sisters and brothers-in-law - and that's why it was so, so great! Really, it was the perfect amount of time, activities and relaxation together. This post won't be able to give you the full effect, but I will do my best... **Thanks to Angie who actually took pictures of the week and then gave them to me! I was so bad about remembering to snap pictures of the goings-on.**

We got there on Monday night and had fun just hangin' out. We met Monica Jayne (4 wks old) for the first time. What a great baby. I think I heard her fuss like three times the entire week. I loved holding her and thinking that I am going to have my very own little woman in just about three months! It was so nice to just be together. It's never dull when the Foster Brothas get chatting about life - past and present.Max and Cal had fun playing together....

and bathing together.... all of the cousins got along so well and Max loved each of them so much! Joy was especially sweet with him.
Tuesday held an early birthday surprise for Tyler. I had arranged to whisk him away for the night to a bed and breakfast in downtown Denver. I told him we were just going to go out to dinner and that I'd made reservations. Well, we pulled into The Gregory Inn and he read the sign and I said, "It's a bed and breakfast." I waited for a few seconds while it sunk in. :) He was very excited and very impressed with his sneaky wife. We checked into our great room and then went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory where he had a meal that "Knocked his socks off" (his words) and then back to our super cool room with a fireplace and hot chocolate...it was so nice. Max had a great time with his cousins that night and was excited to see us the next morning! Truth be told, we were probably more excited/anxious to see him than he was to see us. This was our first time going overnight together without our little man! Lots of dates, but no romantic getaways.

Oh, and on Tuesday we also got to meet our sister-in-law-to-be, Laura Knight, for the first time! Such a sweet, impressive, all-around great person whom we are so excited to have join the family! We can't wait for January 18th!!!Wednesday was the first full day that everybody was there. Now, there were a total of 19 people staying the whole time under one roof. Good thing there are 3 1/2 bathrooms! It never seemed overly crowded, just so fun to all be together that much. We were all given an assignment that day to make a film with our family to be entered into the Foster Family Film Festival that would take place on Saturday night. Out of a "hat" we all drew our genre, two characters to be featured in the film, and a line that had to be used. It turned out super hilarious! I'll have to see about posting at least ours. We met Simon for the first time as well (2 months). Such a cute little dude! We also got to enjoy Wendi's amazing Butternut Squash Bisque. Oh man, you've never had soup like that! Later on we watched a video Jeff made of our pictures from the reunion this summer. Tyler also got to give our Christmas present to everyone - he has been transferring all of their old 8mm videos onto DVD and putting them to music. There are many left to do, but he got 6 done to show to everyone. They, of course, loved them!
Thursday started off with the First Foster Family Turkey Trot (thanks for the idea, Marleen!) It was like 24 degrees outside, but we bundled up - well, most of us did anyway - and hit the neighborhood. Notice the nicely accessorized Foster men. I love them! Some walked, some ran. Drew, the youngest Foster brother, is on the BYU track team, so Tyler and Jeff did a few laps seeing if they could at least keep up with him. It nearly killed them, but they did it. I ran for the first time in months! Well, I've been exercising, but not out-of-doors running with the cool, fresh air in my lungs since July when I did that 4-mile race. I felt great the whole time, but afterward was reminded that I am 6 months pregnant by lots of little contractions/cramping that persisted off and on throughout the day. Guess that's the last time I'll push myself that hard until Kelly makes her debut. I'll just have to stick with the elliptical. Anyway, I would call it a resounding success!

The Mags and The Mick

Ty, Max and the pregnant lady

Monica, Jeff, Angie and Callahan

Laura and Adam

Kristen and Drew


After the Turkey Trot it was time to get the grub ready and head out to the Erickson's home for the big dinner. Mickey's sister and her family all live there in Colorado so they get together with them every year. We are growing in numbers and it gets more and more crowded, but it is so fun to see each other! We had TONS of food and fun. Your eyes aren't playing a trick, we are eating in a garage - the cleanest, most organized, heated garage! I could have picked food up off the floor and eaten it without worrying. I didn't, but I could have. It was so nice. Thanks to Jon and Mackenzie for hosting us all!

Friday was Tyler's birthday...Happy 30th, babe!!!...and also our day to cook dinner. We made this awesome Chicken Rio salad, much like the one at Cafe Rio. It turned out so, so good! That morning was also the traditional basketball face-off among the brothers. Max and I went to the Church to watch for a bit. My man can play ball! Later that afternoon we had a great family council and got all set with calendars and updated news on everyone. We took family pictures that I haven't seen yet. Then we had our good dinner and afterward a little celebration for my hot husby who is now 30 years of age! I love him so much! All 7 of the Foster siblings!
Margaret, Megan and Mickey

The Mark Foster Family

Saturday morning several of us were able to go to the Denver Temple and do sealings. Those always make me so emotional. Especially being there with my family. I am so blessed to be sealed to them. Saturday afternoon was the BYU vs. Utah football game. (Three cheers for the victorious Cougs!) That night was a beautiful recital by my sister-in-law, Megan Foster. She sang and played wonderful songs for her Personal Progress project. We loved every minute of it, Meg! Then we had the Foster Film premiere and the best laughs of the week. It was a hoot!We got to stay through Sunday and Monday and didn't get back until a little after 12 a.m. this morning. I loved the whole trip and feel so grateful to have had all of that time to spend with everyone under one roof! Not a dull moment. It was the best week; I wish that we could do it all over again....


The Nicks Family said...

So Fun!!! I am glad that you had a good time and that everything went well. I love the pictures, Max is so cute! I can't wait to see you guys.

Rappster said...

Wow! Pretty adventurous group. I'm sorry that Jess, Zoe, and I couldn't be a part of your week in Colorado. Ty said you may be coming in the summer, it would be great to see you then.

campblondie said...

What a fun week! Sounds like a great family. Glad you made it home safe! You look beautiful!

janet said...

Wow... how fun to have the entire family together. I am so happy that you have such wonderful in-laws-- they all seem like so much fun. And Happy Birthday to Ty!! 30 is a big year! great job surprising him with a getaway..

Love that little round tummy of yours!

Kristen said...

Love the post Dana. I actually thought about doing one like that, but now that you have I don't need to:) Yes... off the hook.
This week was soo sooo fun. It was perfect. There's nothing like the Foster family. And just think we are getting together in just a few months!

Kirsten said...

Wow! What a LARGE family you married into! It looks like you guys had a blast! I am glad you are doing so well Miss D!

Emily Youngdell said...

That sounds like quite the fun party for a few days. Ty's family sounds so awesome! I'm glad that you guys had such a great time. Happy B-day Ty!

Tankfos said...

Whoa!!! Now that was a long post.
Thanks for the pictures and the commentary on the week. I love getting together!!!

Marleen said...

Yeah! Fellow turkey trotters. You had a great turn out. Our family had a great time with it as well. It's now a new tradition along side the turkey bowl. Both events can be so much fun. You have such a cute family.

Madsen Family said...

Wow, Dana...you sure STUFFED everything into one week, didn't you? Looks like a blast, though. Are you going home to Vegas for Christmas? I am jealous. We're just sticking around here again. The thought of flying to WA at this point in my life is not so appealing. Crazy that you know Emily Stevenson. Small world! Keep the pictures coming! Love them:)

Matt & Emily said...

Hey! Your house looks so good! I love it! Everything around here is so beige. I love the door color with it too. And how the heck do you know Jessy Spear Madsen? We're from the same stake and our brothers are actually long time best friends.