Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kelly Anne

Kelly in the works at 25 weeks...

This name that we've chosen for our sweet little girl has some special meaning to us.

About a year and a half before Tyler was born, Mickey and Margaret welcomed a sweet baby girl into their family, Kelly Carson Foster. She was born at just 26 weeks and was, of course, incredibly small and fragile. She wasn't expected to make it. But she exceeded expectations and left the hospital a few months later. Shortly after she came home from the hospital, however, she was called back to a different Home. Her time on this earth was very short, but her influence and presence is still felt today. I am so excited to someday meet this sweet sister-in-law who didn't need to go through mortality to prove herself to our Father in Heaven. When I was expecting Max, I often thought of Kelly. I don't know exactly how things work on the other side of the veil, but I like to think that she knows these precious babies who are coming to her family here on earth. I like to think that they have interaction and relationships. Tyler, on his mission, had some neat experiences where he felt very close to this older sister he'd never met and he decided then that if he had a daughter he would name her Kelly. We both agree that it just feels right for this little woman who will be joining our family in a little over three months.

Anne is after two people I love whom I also hope Kelly will emulate - my grandmother, Ruthann, and my sister, Adrianne. We had to pick a spelling since one has an "e" and one does not. But the meaning is still there.

The pregnancy is going very well and Kelly is still very active. Lately she has been quite a roller, which provides a lot of amusement for me and Tyler. Yesterday I felt a big lump above my belly button and pushed on it, realizing it had to be a foot or a hand. I never had something like that with Max; he was a lot more relaxed. :) I told Tyler to feel it and just as he did she gave a good kick/punch. Feisty little lady. I feel her often throughout the day and I love it! I really love being pregnant and feel privileged to be carrying this tiny human and to be her mom. Just about three months left!


val said...

Ok first of all you are looking SUPER CUTE. Congratulations on being THEE most darling pregnant lady again! I love the name and meaning behind it, so neat. Love you Dana!

Sandy said...

What a beautiful name! I think you're right about your sister in law getting to know your little ones before they come to earth. This may be a bit corny but have you ever read the book "The Message" by Lance Richardson? It's about an experience he had when he was in an accident and in a coma for several weeks and his spirit passed into the world beyond.... it's a very good book. I think it's so great that you are naming her after people you both love! You look great as always and I'm excited for you guys!

campblondie said...

Of Course I love the name, it has served me very well, but aside from my selfishness, it really is a beautiful name and the meaning is even better. YOu do look great. I miss and love you!

Kirsten said...

I am in agreement with all the other ladies! You are one hot momma!! You really look great-pregnancy suits you, my dear!

I love the name Kelly Anne, and it is so much more special to know the meaning behind it. I too, think that your sil knew your little one before coming to the earth. I have felt so strongly that Brandon's Grandma who passed away in August gave our little giblet lots of special hugs and kisses before leaving his/her heavenly home. It is such a sweet feeling!

Love you dearie!

Jamie Claire said...

Sweet Dana--such a great name for your new little one. I have an older sister named Kelly Anne(with an "E") and kelly is one of the names we like for girls before we knew that little baby boy was on his way. I love how Kelly Anne sounds, its a very classy name, and you have a great meaning to share with her. By the way you look fabulous---a little tiny bump and all your beauty. wow! You get my vote for best looking pregnant woman!

Madsen Family said...

Dana--I don't think it's fair that you look so cute while pregnant. I also don't think it's fair that your hair doesn't grow while pregnant. I am like a gorilla. I have so much hair suddenly EVERYWHERE that I can't possibly keep up. I do, however, love the name Kelly Anne. I remember that is what you were going to name Max during his time as a "girl":) I love the idea of using family names; it just always help when the family names you have to choose from are good names. We don't have a lot of good options, so we'll see what we'll call him. I've been out of the blogoshpere for a while, but I'm BA-ACK, so you'll have to check out my blog.....

janet said...

That tummy (well, the whole body) could NOT be any cuter! Oh MY goodness. This picture is going to be my wallpaper on our computer. Aaron will love it! Seriously though, what a beautiful name!! I love that she will be after both beloved sisters. I can't wait to see what she looks like!!

ps when are you coming for Christmas?

Emily Youngdell said...

Love the name you guys picked. I actually thought about the name Kelly when I was pregnant with Ashley but it was too close to Karly. You look beautiful! Pregnancy suits you well.

Bonny said...

WOW! You look amazing Dana!!
Oh, I'm so glad you announced the name! I've been waiting so patiently!! You know how much I love names and I really love Kelly Anne. It really is a classic and pretty name and the meaning is so beautiful. I know that Kelly will love her name. I love how you are honoring special family members - its such a nice tribute to them and for Kelly.
Congrats!! I love your cute family! :)

The Nicks Family said...

Hey my cute preggo sister! You look great! I love the name and I love that you shared with us the story and the meaning for her name. I think she has a lot to live up to, but she is going to be amazing and have no problem doing that! I can't wait to see that cute belly in person! How fun, she has a name!!