Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The goings on...

I have been meaning to post a picture of the mostly completed paint job on our home. It was so much work for my sweet husband! There is still a little bit of trim to do, but we (especially Ty) have been burnt out on the whole project for the past month or more. :) At least the areas that are left are on the back of the house so nobody who sees us from the street is aware that our trim in the back is only painted as high as this short pregnant lady can reach. Apparantly I am not allowed on the super-high ladder in my current condition.
Here are the "before" pictures (they don't show how discolored some of the siding looked just from being old and in the Washington rain for so many years):

These are the "after", although it's hard to really capture the color of the house on camera. In some lights it looks more like a brown and in others it's more green. We love it! Ty chose the door color and I thought he did a great job. In the door picture you get a better feel for the color, I think. Anyway, here they are! Sorry it's taken me so long, Margaret!

In other news...
*We finally got a start on our food storage! We went for a date night to the local cannery and got a bunch of flour, some hot cocoa, potato flakes, rice, wheat and I don't remember what else. Besides having a great time, we looked really good too so we thought that we should put this out there for all the world to see!*We got a package with packing peanuts and I decided to let Max go to town. It was fun to watch! Dad got in on the action and made a peanut angel. I love giving him permission to make messes (Max, not Ty. I never give Ty permission to make messes :) )!*Max got a toddler bed! We haven't started him sleeping in it yet - probably won't for another month or more - but it was a great deal on Craigslist and matches the other furniture in his room. So for now it's something to play on, but sometime we'll start him sleeping there. We're still trying to figure out sleeping arrangements once the baby arrives since our 3rd bedroom is occupied by Sariah until the end of the school year. We'll see what works out!
*Max had his very first sucker. I know a lot of kids have suckers a lot earlier, but we never have them in the house and until this Halloween it just hadn't crossed my mind. He loved every lick, but not the sticky hands afterward.

*We have a climber! So I thought we'd totally avoided having a crazy climber, but I was wrong. Max is all about climbing these days. We had to rearrange some shelves in his room because one day he used them like a ladder and was perched on top of the highest one. He's taken a few spills off of some chairs and caused his parents some stress. Today I was in the kitchen and hadn't heard him for a bit so I went to see where he was...

(Right before this he had taken his PJ shirt off all by himself, which was a new feat as well.) I assume he used the toilet to get himself up on the counter? You can't see it here, but there's a good gap between the two. I am pretty amazed, if not a little freaked out, by his new abilities. No rest for the mother! I love the look on his face here. :) Busted! After this he was just plain proud of himself and wouldn't stop smiling.

So that's what's up in our lives as of late...too much excitement, I know!


Goose said...

I remember the first time I climbed from the toilet into the sink, it was a great day. Keep it going Max and one day you can be like Awesome Uncle Drew. Thanks for the pictures Dana, we love them.

Emily Youngdell said...

Thanks so much for the update on the happenings with the Foster Fam. I LOVE your house. That is so cute. Those colors are gorgeous.
Now where did you get the paint? Exactly what is the name of it? How much per gallon? JUST KIDDING! ( I just sounded pretty psycho, huh...)Just wait and see, someday I will post a picture of my house and it will be painted exactly the same as yours. Ü You guys did a great job.

campblondie said...

I love the house color, it looks soooo pretty. Good work people!

The Nicks Family said...

I LOVE your house!! The color is great and you guys did a great job picking the color. I love the pictures of the cannery and of Max. Thanks for the update!! He is so cute and I hope we get to see him soon. Have you decided if you are coming to Vegas? I have to tell you that tonight we were talking to Haden about going to Utah for Thanksgiving and his first question was 'is Dana, Tyler and Max going to be there?' I thought you would like to know that he is missing you! I love you lots!! You are a cute family!!

janet said...

are you kidding about no excitement? The paint on the house makes a huge difference! It's really, really beautiful.. and I love that I've been because it helps me picture everything.... and Max is such a toddler! Climbing everywhere, knowing when he's busted and a big boy bed are all major milestones! Good for you going to the cannery. The outfits are so flattering. We need to get going in that department... love you and miss you!

rachel said...

I love your house. I love Max's bed. We are getting the same bed for Matthew that is so funny. You have really good taste. Fun to have change.

Kirsten said...

I LOVE the new colors! They look fantastic! Good job Ty! That is so great you found a good deal on a bed for Max. I think we are going to keep Eli in his bed until the baby is a few months old and then have him give the baby the "baby bed" and he will graduate to the big boy bed. I read that in a couple books - I guess it is supposed to help the kid not feel so displaced by the baby??? Who really knows, anyway. I am still a little nervous having our two so dang close together, but no turning back now!!!

I am not looking forward to the climbing phase either. Oh, how many times a day can a mother's heart stop ticking and then start up again without wearing out too soon. No wonder heart disease is the leading cause of death among women!

Love you!

Jessica said...

Wow Dana! How awesome that you ran into me! I am so excited to know what is going on with you. SO congrats on the marriage and on baby one and baby two. Max is adorable, you have a beautiful home, where are you exactly? If you ever make it out to New York City, let me know.

Marleen said...

What a cute family. Great color choice for the home. I love the door color too. Reminds me of the New England states area. We just put our two year old in a big bed and she loves it. We even use it as an incentive at times. I'm excited to keep it touch with your family happenings.

Sandy said...

Love the colors you guys chose! Your house looks great!! Looks like you guys have been busy. You gotta love when the little ones discover the new things they can do and to see how proud and big they feel! Just love it!