Thursday, November 01, 2007

'twas a hit!

Halloween was even more fun this year - it makes me so excited for the years ahead with Max and our future babes! On Monday for FHE we went over to our friend's (the Lintons) home and carved pumpkins. Ty was the carver, I was the scooper. Oh, and Max helped a bit with the scooping. Marcela is from Chile and this was only the second time she'd carved a pumpkin - the first was on her mission. I, of course, picked through to get all of the pumpkin seeds for baking. I love baked pumpkin seeds! This is Sariah Miller, the young woman living with us, and her jack-o-lantern!

Last night to kick off the festivities we had a chili and breadstick dinner (we were going to have tacos, but I felt like it was just WRONG so I went out and purchased some good ol' Nalley's chili). Then we got dressed up and met our friends, the Kellys, to go trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. It was a hoot to me! Max could barely see since the horse head blocked a lot of his vision, but he wanted to walk a lot of the time so he would just put his head down and go. He even rang one of the doorbells by himself! It was cute to watch him grab a piece of candy at each house. I wonder what these little people think of this holiday?! Max seemed kind of shell-shocked, but he accepted it. Kind of a strange holiday...

So I bought this shirt a month ago thinking that it would still wasn't so. Not even close. :)

With Grandpa Ted - Max's Tutu wasn't home when we went. :(
Next we were off to the Trunk or Treat. I felt weird collecting all of this candy that Max is so obviously not going to be eating. Oh well! Tyler didn't have his cowboy hat for that part of the night - we think that he left it on top of the car. It's lost to us now...

Then we came home and had some of our friends over for hot apple cider, hot cocoa and donuts. That was a tradition in my family and so I felt like I needed to carry that on. Any excuse to have friends over! It was fun to get together and hang out with everyone for a bit. All in all, I think the night was a total success! Happy, Happy Halloween, indeed!
The Smitleys

The Lintons


The Nicks Family said...

Super Cute!! Max is an adorable horse, and you two are good looking cowboys/girls :) Looks like you had a blast! You are both cute parents. And you are one awesome Mom!!! I love you so much!

Kristen said...

Those pictures are so cute. Max should wear that costume all the time, I can't get enough of it. Sounds like it was great Halloween!

janet said...

His costume is so cute. I love the warm zip up suits. Sounds like you had a busy, fun night. I love that you invite people over and continue your family traditions... even when you are far away from family. You're a great looking prego cowgirl.

sorry about ty's hat.

Emily Youngdell said...

So fun! Glad you guys had a great night. Isn't it fun to have kids and experience things all over again through them?
Halloween is a fun but weird holiday. You go around house to house and get candy from complete strangers..

Wendi said...

Cute idea for costumes, love it! And prego cowgirls rock, by the way. ;-)

Kirsten said...

So cute! That is great that Max would wear the hood on his costume! Eli loves his costume and he loves hats, but he doesn't like the hood on his costume!

Sounds like you guys had a blast for Halloween! You know, it really is different when you have kids with the holidays! I don't ever remember doing so much for Halloween like we did this year - not even when I was a kid! And I am totally with you - it is a weird holiday. I don't know how much trick or treating we are going to let our kids do. I mean, c'mon. Every other day of the year you tell them NOT to take candy from strangers, and then everyone dresses up and goes knocking on strangers' doors and you beg for candy. I don't get it. Poor Eli has a stick in the mud for a mommy!

Love you!

Bonny said...

Looks like you guys had such a fun Halloween! I really got into the holiday this year too. Having a little one really helps me get into the holiday spirit! And I am really anxious for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I just love this time of year!! :)
I love your cute costumes! Max is such a cute horse!
Love you guys!!

Sandy said...

Your family is so cute! I love the pics!