Saturday, May 01, 2010

"The Tom"

Today our family helped to clean the Church. I love when Tyler signs us up to clean (no sarcasm in the previous statement)! It makes me feel more invested in our building and grateful that we have such a place to meet in each Sunday. We like taking the kids for that reason. We were cleaning with the Lizon family today; they have 4 little ones. Max helped me clean the sacrament trays and, boy, is he a good little dryer. Super thorough. Who knew? Brother has a bright future in my kitchen.

Anyhow, we had the following conversation that brought a smile to my face:

Max: Mom, I'll help you for three more minutes and then I need to have a meeting with the Kids Lizon. (love that he was calling them that)

Me: Oh? Do they know you're having a meeting?

Max: No, but I'll tell them.

Me: What is your meeting going to be about?

Max: The Church, Jesus, The Tom.

Me: The Tom?

Max: Yeah, you know, Thomas S. Monson.


**Thomas S. Monson is the Prophet and President of our Church. We generally refer to him as President Monson. That's why this gave me a kick. :) And the little dude is 4, so he meant zero disrespect, but I told him that we should probably call him President Monson**


Auntie Elaine said...

Max is HILARIOUS!! I'm so glad you share your Maxisms with us! Love and miss you guys!!

Royce and Deanne Wooly said...

I love it, what a great way to start my Sunday! thanks for sharing your joy with us! Love you

Jamie Claire said...

Thanks for the laugh Max. Hope your meeting went well. I love how little boys are so honest and matter of fact that they have no idea HOW funny they really are.

Sheila Buchei said...

This way too, too funny not to share with the world. I think you should send it in and have it published in the Friend!

The Nicks Family said...

HAHA!!! He cracks me up. I can just hear him saying it too :) Love ya!!!

Madsen Family said...

That one's going to make me laugh for a long time. And though I am old enough to show respect, it is going to be awfully difficult for me now not to call Pres. Monson that b/c I think it is just that funny!