Monday, October 29, 2007

1st Counselors

Tyler and I have a really equal marriage and we like things to be EXACTLY equal. :) Just kidding, but this is a bit funny to me. Last week a member of the bishopric asked to come over and we, of course, said yes. Well, he chit-chatted for a bit and then got down to business. Right now I am serving as 1st counselor in the YW Presidency. He said that they (the bishopric) have gone around and around with Tyler's name for a certain calling. They would move onto someone else, but kept coming back to Tyler. The concern being that this calling would require us both to be in the same place at the same time often and we have Max and another babe on the way. Valid concern. However, we both felt like we would work it out and the Lord would provide a way since He is the one extending the call. So the call was extended and Tyler has been called as 1st counselor in the YM Presidency! It will, admittedly, be a little tricky. However, we have a great ward family and already had an offer from our friends to watch Max on Tuesday nights. I don't worry about it working out. I have felt like Tyler either would or should be called to work with the YM for the last few weeks. He is such a great role model and relates so well to the youth. I know that they are going to be so excited and love having him in there! Congrats on your new calling, babe!


janet said...

Working with the Youth is a lot of WORK! Sundays and Tuesdays is a lot to commit to with a new baby on the way... but how fun to be doing it together. He will be great with the YM. congrats and way to go with your strong faith and commitment.

Dad said...

Can't think of a better person for working with the YM. You will have the Teachers and that is an interesting age. Older than the Deacons who are squirrly but not rebellious adn young than the Priest who by and large are starting to know what life is all about. You got the tweeners and that is the most challeging group of all the young men and where someone like you is most needed.

good luck with it. I have been a 1st Counselor in the YM and liked it a great deal. Almost as much fun as working with the YM is the relationship with the other YM leaders. You love camping and love many of the things the YM will like so you are going to be great.

You and D both in the youth is a big time consumer but you will find it very fulfilling.

Love ya Bud,

Kirsten said...

Wow, you guys really are every bishoprics dream couple! You do everything so well and you look fantastic while doing it - one handsome little man, one cute little girl in the oven, such an adorable couple! Watch out, you might be a prophet's wife if you keep all this up!!!

BTW, you didn't say what Max's costume was...

Emily Youngdell said...

Way back in the day before Jake and I had kiddo's we were both in the YW/YM presidency's and I loved it. We got to go to youth conference together, and lots of other activities. I bet you guys will love working together. It will probably be a little tricky, but I guarantee it will work out. Good luck Ty!!

campblondie said...

Good luck, sounds like a lucky ward!

Carolyn said...

Danalin, it's Carolyn. I read your blog all the time, but I just had to comment that those girls are soooo lucky to have you as an adviser! I hope when my girls are in YW they will be blessed with wonderful leaders like your mother was to me and like I KNOW you are to these girls.

That is so wonderful that you two can take these responsibilities together so cheerfully. Something to look up to I say!

rachel said...

You are both in the mutual so are we. Its hard some days when the kids need there sleep but it does seem to work out. Excited to hear how you like it. Oh! Chris and I are both in the mutual as well.