Sunday, October 14, 2007

A little more detail from the detail queen...

Tilt your head to the right, this is a great face shot. Eyes, nose, and she totally looks like she's smiling with that tiny mouth!

You know I couldn't just leave it with "It's a girl!"; I've got to give you the whole story. :)

First of all, this was my first time having an ultrasound tech do my ultrasound. I had two private practice doctors with Max (one in NY and one in WA). Both had their own machines and did their own ultrasounds. It was always really quick and I got several ultrasounds with them. I really loved that. But the doc who delivered Max retired from OB, so now I'm with a nice family practice doctor. Anyway, so I had never had to do the full bladder part of having a real in-depth ultrasound. Drink 32 ounces of fluid one hour before your appt. and DO NOT empty beforehand. I thought I was going to die! Well, not die, but it was excrutiating. She checked out my bladder and whatever else she needed to see with that first and then let me use the bathroom. Sweet relief!

It was so fun to see our little baby. I always feel like I need to talk to the screen and say hello, which I did. At one point during the ultrasound she did a huge yawn or something and we got to watch as her little mouth opened so wide and closed. It was very cute. She looks to us to be healthy! At first she wasn't very cooperative with the gender check. Legs were pretty firmly crossed. So we went on with other measurements and went back to that. Just as the tech was telling us that they were still crossed and was pointing out the legs, our cooperative little babe opened up. I've seen a lot of ultrasound pictures, not only my own, and so I stole the tech's thunder a bit, I think, when I saw the three lines and said, "That's a girl!" She said that she definitely agreed. And she says that nobody has ever come back to tell her that she's wrong. She also told us that she wouldn't say anything unless she was quite positive. Nice to hear! So we're planning for a little woman to join our family! Tyler knew it all along - he's been saying that it's a girl from the beginning. I guess he stole all of my mother's intuition because I just wasn't sure. We are so, so thrilled!

We'll keep you all posted on the name. We're pretty sure on it, but are going to give it a little time amongst ourselves. Thanks for all of the well-wishes! We can't wait to meet this new little lady; we're halfway there!

**In case you were wondering, we did take the header picture ourselves. I know, I know, we are so talented with the camera! Not sure if this was me or Ty, we both took shots like this. It's a view from our favorite park - Waterfront Park - where Max and I go a lot. When the tide is low we can head out on the "beach". We throw rocks into the water, look for little crabs and I keep Max from heading straight in. I love where we live; it is so, so beautiful!**


Kirsten said...

Yay! I love the little face shot! I guess you are getting that little girl that you thought you had before, eh? Maybe Max crowded in line and she was sweet enough not to tattle on him. It is a LONG line of little ones, I am sure, and I guess second is better than 20th! Ha ha!

My deepest sympathies for the full bladder ultrasound. I had to do that with Eli, and we all watched him on the screen kicking and jumping on my bladder. Little stinker! Yep, not the most comfortable thing in the world!

Love ya!

Sandy said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting and I'm so happy for you guys. It's so amazing and awesome that we can see our babies before they're actually born! I love the story! Maybe a little taste of her personality!? Congrats again!

janet said...

I can totally picture you talking to your baby on the screen. And it really does look like she's smiling.. she is going to be darling! I am SO excited for you guys and was 100% teasing about you and your gender mix-up before. I had no idea it was such a sore spot with you! jk.

My ultrasound with Zack was a full-bladder exam and it was seriously painful. It was almost 2 hours long and she wouldn't let me go to the bathroom...and on top of it all, she wouldn't check the sex of the baby because it "wasn't the purpose of the exam." I always tell people I cried when I found out Zack was a boy, but it was mainly because I was in so much pain and I wanted to injure the technician. Okay, enough about me.

Oh--and to make this the longest comment for the day, I love the header picture and was going to ask about it. Is that the park you took my family to last year? That's how I remember your surroundings. It really is beautiful! Love you and congrats again!

val said...

I'm so glad you gave us the details...I knew they were coming! I can picture you talking to the ultrasound screen too! You're so cute Dana. I love your header picture too. Beautiful Beautiful!

campblondie said...

Thanks for the details! I love them! I must agree. I too dread the full bladder exam, but definitely worth it huh?

Jamie Claire said...

A big congratulations to you Dana and family! I am so excited for you--our little ones will be so close in age how fun uh! I hope you are doing great miss ya

rachel said...

That is so exciting. I bet you will just have so much fun dressing that little girl. i am so jealous. Way to go! Can't wait to hear what the name is. So glad it all went well.

Emily Youngdell said...

Congrats on your little girl!! As you already know I love having all girls. It is so fun. I can't wait to hear what you guys are going to name her!

The Nicks Family said...

I luckily never had to do a full bladder ultrasound. Sorry! I love the face shot, even though they are a little creepy, lol, it does look like she is smiling. How fun!! I am so excited for you!! Love ya!!

Bonny said...

What a great picture of your little lady!! I can totally see you as a mommy of a little girl! Girls are so much fun! I can't wait to get you bows!!
Love you Dana!

Veeda said...

oh yay!

Wendi said...

Many congrats -- the little gal looks healthy and beautiful!

Unknown said...

Ok, I loved your little Max headbanging, sleeping, eating story! That is priceless! I hear you about the hidden camera thing. I wish we had one too!

I dreamed that we had a little girl last night. There was a whole bunch of other weirdness that went on, too, but it was exciting to have a girl, even if it was just a dream. My money is on another boy, but after last night, I am not so sure! It would be so fun to have one of each! Brandon says we can't have a girl because he wouldn't know what to do with one. Silly boys!

Carolyn said...

Hey, Girl. Congratulations on the young little lady. And your picture for the header is gorgeous! You must live in a vacation.