I went upstairs and took a super relaxing shower, picked out something cute to wear, actually did my makeup and hair and had a little self-portrait session. Remember, this is just for me to feel like even though I am a mom and pregnant I can still be hot. :) Part of that for me is to share it with others; I am an extrovert, after all. Thanks for letting me indulge myself. I know that I'm a little bit of an odd ball!
*You don't have to tell me, I know the shirt doesn't totally fit...it doesn't quite reach to the bottom of the belly. I just still like being able to fit in pre-pregnancy shirts. Plus, this one actually has some style to it, which (sadly) isn't true of a lot of my wardrobe. :)*

Oh, and some big news...I felt the babe move for the first time this week!!! Pretty early, but I felt him or her thumping around on Sunday twice, Monday once or twice and then Tuesday I laid on my stomach and felt it a ton - just thumping over and over again. Oh, I love growing a baby! I am so excited to find out what we're having this time around!
You're looking great, Dana! That shirt is darling and the belly is so cute! Nothing like getting ready after a week or (or summer) without makeup.
If I could whistle I would do it right now!! You are a total hottie my friend! And one of the cutest pregnant ladies I've ever seen. I love your baby belly!! And I'm totally jealous of your curly hair - oh how I would love to have some curls!
Love ya Miss D!
You are looking hot indeed there, Dana! I love your hair color, and you're in such great shape...that sweet little baby belly looks fabulous on you!
I too need a good overhaul session (especially after all the weight I gained during pregnancy, ugh). I'm being patient for now as I'm focused on taking care of my new baby, but very soon it's gonna be time for trips to the salon and the gym. Anyway, like I said you are lookin' good, and thanks for the inspiration! :-)
You are looking good girl. You had better watch out for Tyler...he won't be able to keep his hands off of you if you keep looking like that.
You go girl. Go Dana, go Dana. (picture me chanting this..Ü) You need to feel good and cute when you are pregnant! I love your pregnant belly, so cute. And congrats on feeling the baby move, that is the best!
You look so hot! What a momma. That is the funniest thing ever. I think everyone need to enjoy themselve. What a cute bellie. You are looking so great.
Woot Woo. Lookin good. I love that shirt and your belly is so so cute. I've always loved your eye make-up too (well and your eyes). You are a sight to behold. How fun!
Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr...hot momma is right! I love getting all dolled up. And you do it so well. I love your curly hair and am beyond jealous of it. I think there is nothing better than a hot bath and some make-up time. Everyone deserves to look/feel beautiful.
you are a total hot mama.
No doubt about it!! You are one foxy mama!!!I love your little belly and your hair looks great! That is so exciting to feel your little one move - especially now when it is cute and not painful!! Even for being smashed in such a small space, it sure felt like Eli could really wind up a good punch!
You're so cute! You look beautiful and I love your shirt.
ok...I am totally going to dig up the photos i have of our "fashion" shoot that we did on my roof that one day and email them to you! Remember that day when you and I and Brynn thought we were such hot stuff! Well, as is apparent by these pictures that is still the case with you! I love you Dana!
You look incredible - I just love these pictures! Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your little girl! So happy to have found you again!
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