Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Surprise... ! ... ? Probably not.

We've done the wait a while to say anything bit...and nobody was the least bit surprised.  So I've decided that this time I'll (possibly) preempt your speculations.

Babe Foster #4 is on the way!

We are thrilled!  I am nauseated, but more mildly so than my pregnancy with Everett. I have to eat all day long or the nausea becomes unbearable. The kids are SUPER excited.  Max and Kelly think it will be a girl because, as Max says, "Mom, Kelly NEEEEDS a sister!"  And Kelly nods her head in agreement then tells me, "It HAS to be a girl, Mom, because I need a SISTER!"  We're trying to get them excited about the possibility of another boy because Tyler and I are both feeling boy this time.  I never have a feeling about these maybe I'm wrong, but Tyler is usually right.  Time will tell.  We're very excited either way!

I am not showing yet (though I expect to very soon...I always show early AND it's my fourth), but the kids are very excited about that part of it and anxious to see my belly pop.  So much so that last week I sat on the floor reading to them and they were both exclaiming over my belly looking bigger (stomach rolls).  I kept telling them that wasn't because of the baby, but they were pretty insistent and began poking at my belly and trying to get me to look at the "growth".  It was awesome.  Kids are NOT great for your self-esteem all of the time.

Oh, and I'm just over 9 weeks.  Due on 4/1/2012.  (No this is not an early April Fool's Joke...but that would be funny!) Ev and Babe #4 will be 2 years and 2 months apart - our biggest gap so far! :)


carly said...

whoo hoo!!! so SO exciting! can't wait to find out what you are having!!!! yea!!!!!!! :)

Betsy B. said...

I'm so very happy for your family. That is just great news!!

Emily Youngdell said...

Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you guys!

Leslie Pittelli said...

WOOT WOOT. Congratulations on your new arival.You are SO blessed. Love to you all.

Em and TJ said...

YAY!!! I knew you were getting the baby itch, hehe. I could see it in your eyes when you looked at Kenton. That baby is blessed to be part of a great family:) Congrats...very exciting:)

Brenda said...

Another gorgeous addition to make the world an even more sweeter and beautiful place. Congrats! We are all excited for you.

Madsen Family said...

Yeah! That is so exciting. That little babe couldn't be luckier to come to such a great family. Babies are the best (well, I am a little more partial to babies when they start sleeping through the night). I think that I will just pay you next time to have my baby for me. Sounds like you have no problems in that department:) Can't wait to find out boy/girl. I was CONVINCED that this little baby was a boy and I was wrong, so you could be too!

Our Deli-Sub said...

Congratulations! Boy or girl they will be beautiful like the rest of your brood:)

April said...

Congratulations Dana! I always get crap for my kids being so close together (four in six year~our biggest gap is 2 1/2 years) but I LOVE it and you will too. You are a great mom and I hope your fourth pregnancy and delivery goes better than mine did! :)

Yo Mama said...

That's wonderful! Congrats to you guys. I agree that Kelly needs a sister. Girl Power!

Shawna said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see another one of those cute faces you're so good at making.

Amanda said...

CONGRATS Dana! What a wonderful mommy you are! Lucky baby to be coming to your family.

Carrie said...

Best news all week! This sure made my day. You are a great mom. I admire your keen sense of what your kiddos need, your ability to savor every moment with them, and to keep sight of what is truly important. Your babies are lucky to have you and you are blessed to be adding one more to the bunch!

cindy said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you---and hope its a sister for Kelly too!

Kirsten said...

You're right. I'm not surprised ;) Congrats lady!!! Your kiddos are adorable! (How could they be anything but with their adorable mama!)

Hugs to you!