Monday, June 22, 2009

Boy's Day

On Saturday I was talking to Max about making a card for Father's Day and what we wanted to get for Dad, etc. Max made this observation:

"You already had Mother's Day (pause while he processes the facts - Mom had a day, Dad had a day...) When is it Boy's Day?"

I convinced him that his birthday was like boy's day and he was satisfied. But, really, I got to thinking...isn't every day boy/girl day? I make them every meal, I clean up after them; they get to play all day long, eat snacks when they're hungry and take a nap. Sounds like my kind of celebration...and that's just what happens on Mother/Father's Day around here. So the real question is why don't we have more Mother/Father's Days throughout the year?!


Madsen Family said...

Too funny and too true. I love that Max feels that he, as a boy, also needs a day. It is rough for these little ones, who have the life that we only dream of...if only they knew how good they got it!

Shawna said...

Love it! But I think kids get enough days. :)

Carrie said...

How Tyler asked me when it will be kids day. Great minds think alike.

campblondie said...

Amen to that my friend, I think one a quarter would do it.

Mommy said...

I agree about having more mothers/fathers days since we don't even get a Christmas break. The kids are super cute! Miss you guys!

janet said...

my kids have been saying this for years... as if it's not FAIR. One day they will realize that every holiday is really for them... Unfortunately Santa doesn't spoil moms and dads.