Monday, February 04, 2008

Stroller, Seafood & Stitches

We have some VERY generous friends. Not only have I had three super fun baby showers, but at the last shower we received a very nice gift - a double stroller! Max is a lover of strollers and so putting this together with Dad made for a very fun time.Tyler's youngest brother, Drew, was in town this weekend for a track meet. He runs for the BYU Track Team and they were competing at the University of Washington. So on Saturday we got to see him race (he ran his fastest indoor time! I am so impressed by Drew's skills) and then we hung out afterward. We were deciding on a place for dinner and Drew said that he wanted to eat someplace unique to Seattle. So we took him to a place we'd been wanting to try as well - The Crab Pot. (Turns out, though, that it's also in Oregon and California... :) ) The reason we could try it this time is because his wife, Kristen, wasn't able to make it. She is not a lover of seafood. So these pictures are mostly to gross Kristen out, compliments of her husband. I took the pictures, Kristen, but only with some prodding.

Drew in an arcade before dinner...

Real men wear bibs
The mallots...Ty's flew off and came across the table at Max. Don't worry, nobody was hurt.
They put down butcher paper and dump a bucket of seafood on the table. The crab was especially amazing!
My more "civilized" plate

Max thought it was really funny to put these shells in his mouth
Sunday started out normal. A nice morning getting ready and then Max was being really good in sacrament meeting. However, one misstep changed it all. Max took a step off of the bench and hit his head really hard on the hymn book holder. It was one of those that everyone in the room hears and says, "Ohhhhh...." Ty picked him up to take him out. A few minutes later one of my friends comes in from the foyer to get me. I go out and see a paper towel with blood on it and then Ty tells me that he's got a really deep cut and it will probably need stitches. I just started to cry and held Max. It doesn't take much to set me off these days, plus this was our first physical trauma. So we leave for Urgent Care. There was a pretty big wait and so I ran back to the Church to tell them I wouldn't be there to teach YW and Ty would be gone from YM. Then I rushed back to Urgent Care. The doctor saw him and told me that it was going to be traumatic. Thanks, Doc! They put Max's arms in a pillow case by his sides and then wrapped him in a blanket and put him face-down on the table while a nurse held his head and Ty held his body. I stood behind Tyler and cried for the first bit, but then I decided I needed to buck up and let Max see me...NOT crying. I wiped my tears and then stuck my face down in front of his. I could only see one little eye and he looked so filled with fear and confusion. It was so hard to see. But he seemed to calm down a bit when he saw me. Still lots of crying, but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. Only a few stitches and we'll go back in next Tuesday to get them out. Another badge for my Motherhood Sash! Max seems to be just fine. He woke up this morning and pointed to a pillow and said, "Pillow hurts!" He must have tried to roll over onto his back in bed. Poor guy. But already he is adjusting and turns his head to the side when he wants or needs to lie down.


The Nicks Family said...

Glad you enjoyed the seafood, when we make our way out there we won't be wanting any of that either, lol! I am so sorry for Max, no fun at all. I hope it heals quickly!!! Love ya!

Marleen said...

Ow! What a tough little man. Keep hanging in there with all these experiences. You got a fun lively boy I'm sure more will come.

Bonny said...

Oh my goodness! Poor little Max! You really are earning your motherhood badges - maybe Max will give you a break for a little while!!
I am petrified of the hymnbook holder at church! We have close calls with it every week.
I'm jealous of your seafood feast! That looked so yummy!

Kirsten said...

Yikes! Poor little man! Hopefully Max will get all these badge-awarding incidents out of the way before miss Kelly makes her entrance! We never sit in the benches (mostly because church starts at 8am and we don't make it the required 15-20 minutes early to get a bench).

What kind of stroller did you get? We are in the market for a double stroller as well. Let me know if you like the one you have!

janet said...

oh, the "pillow hurts" comment just makes me so sad for him! What a tough little guy! Who made those hymn book holders anyway? I swear my kids have hurt themselves so many times on those corners! I would sue. jk.

and sounds like a great time with in-laws. I have said it before and I will say it again, you have married into a great family! So happy for you!

YEAH FOR THE DOUBLE STROLLER! All you need is a minivan and you can wear that motherhood badge.. ha!

Ann said...

Oh, man. That DOES sound traumatic. (Especially for YOU!) I have to say, I'm not a big seafood fan, either, but it looks like a fun restaurant!

Rappster said...

Ouch! That was brutal injury. He'll bounce back before I'm even done writing this comment.

Despite the injury, and the grocery mishap, it looks like things are going great for you all!

Tell Ty Hi for me.

Emily Youngdell said...

Poor little guy, that is so traumatic. I tell you being a Mom is so rewarding but so scary at the same time! It definitely helps you get out of your comfort zone in every way possible. I hope that his head feels better soon.

Jamie Claire said...

You poor thing two traumatic experiences in less than two weeks. I am so sorry. You are racking up the badges! I cried for you, these tears flow way to easily. You made me laugh with the nesting inquiry, I have cleaned out every drawer and cupboard, where the energy is coming from I haven't figure that out yet. Today I had a patient ask me if I was ready to pop yet--the word pop and pregnancy/labor didn't sit to well with me but at I was happy I didn't burst into tears--ohh sorry about the novel comment MUCH love to you!

val said...

Yep, go ahead and stitch on your "stitches" badge on your sash. But Dana, it's not suppose to be full of badges until at least your second is born!
Glad he is ok. Poor little guy.

Jen York said...

Nathan's jealous of the seafood and I'm sad for Max. Dang, you hate to see that happen! Good thing the little ones heal quickly!

Kristen said...

Well done Dana, those pictures were my worst nightmare! I am glad you guys got to do that without me:)
Poor Max, that is quite the wound. He's a tough guy.
Good job on earning all your badges, are you putting together a vest with them sewn on? I would like to see it:)

Mark said...

Hope Max's scalp is healing well!

I must admit, I'm not a fan of see food, either. Those pictures kind of grossed me out . . .

Kirsten said...

Ok, Dana, I have a confession to make! I totally keep checking your blog to see if Miss Kelly has made her grand entrance. This suspense is killing me! (maybe because I am counting down too, and having you ready to pop is making me all the more anxious!)

I am going to have to go with the other 50 percent of your commentators on your dinner - the seafood did resemble giant bugs to me. I would have totally freaked out if Eli had a clam shell in his mouth.