Thursday, January 31, 2008

Badge of Motherhood

So we're doing some shopping - groceries as well as a few other items. Max was good all through the store but was starting to get a little restless when we were checking out. He's not the biggest fan of staying in the cart these days. But he's also not a fan of staying by me if I let him walk - so the cart it is! Anyway, I was hurrying to get everything out of the cart so that I could get him home when I hear from Max, "3,4..." This means something is going to be thrown. I look up to see what it is (a bottle of Mod-Podge!) and reach out to try and stop the attempt without success. It slams to the ground and the cap bursts off and Mod-Podge is on the jeans and jacket of the guy behind us as well as all over the floor. I tell the checker what has happened and then hand the guy behind us some wipes to clean himself off. He was annoyed, but kind of nice about it. I then get down on hands-and-knees with wipes to try and clean it before anyone steps in it. Me in all of my pregnant glory on hands-and-knees. :) I was apologizing all over the place.

That little crisis was mostly over - they sent a really nice lady to clean it up for me. Then we get checking out and the checker needs to send someone to do a price check. The lady goes to do it but still isn't back when we're finished. So I say that we'll stand to the side so that the man who Max threw Mod-Podge on can get out of the store. (He said that he got most of it off, by the way). I stand there with all of my groceries and Max for 5 minutes. We've obviously been forgotten by price-check girl and the checker doesn't seem to care to do much about getting her back or sending anyone else. I decided to leave my cart there, carry Max through the store (which isn't my favorite to do at this pregnancy stage) to just get another one and check out in a faster line.

I was walking through the store and felt tears at the corner of my eyes. I was all flustered by the time we left. But then it hit me that this was my first "traumatic" store experience and I should savor it a bit and find the humor. I called my mom to share it with her. She said, "Wait until you have a child being potty trained who pees all over the floor. Or there was one time when I had a baby in the cart and one of you tipped it over..." I'm sure that she has a hundred stories like that. Now I am starting my own collection! I feel like a true mom now. I'd love to hear your stories...

I never thought about experiences like that 21 months ago when I looked at this tiny baby! Surely this little boy would have never dreamed of throwing Mod-Podge out of the cart. But I love his personality and curiosity and how he felt a little bit bad afterward. All night he kept saying, "Mess!" with a really concerned look on his face. I didn't get mad at him for it, but we did have a talk about keeping things in the cart. I'm sure it really sunk in and he'll never do anything like that again! :)


The Nicks Family said...

Man! I am so sorry! I am even more sorry that the mad was not totally nice about it and didn't get on the floor and help you for goodness sake! And that they forgot you, how ridiculous, you are huge pregnant, help the poor girl out! And Max, throw something, NEVER! LOL
I have never had anything broken, just kids falling out of carts and people looking at me like I am a horrible mom. What can you do?! These curious little kids who want to experience and see what happens. You are now a 'true' Mom :) Love ya!

The Nicks Family said...

I meant to say man, not mad :) Sorry!

janet said...

Oh, I just had a good laugh.. especially at Max saying "Mess" with a concerned look. I am SURE he's cured of doing anything else out of line.

I think I just shared this with you a couple of weeks ago.. but I was 8 months pregnant with Luke and on a plane with Ben (who was 18 months old.) He was pretty good, but at the beginning of our connecting flight, he threw up ALL OVER me, the guy next to me AND his laptop. It was so terrible and the whole plane smelled of rotten milk. I was completely a mess and wanted to throw up myself. Now it's kind of funny.. but only kind of.

Love you! Thanks for sharing! At least Max gives you a warning countdown.. Zack just goes for it!

Emily Youngdell said...

Believe it or not these are the days that we will look back on and smile. It may take awhile before that happens, right? I totally feel for you. I think that the cutest part is his little countdown before it happens. He is so adorable!

Carrie said...

Oh Dana, if I told you every story where I earned my badge of motherhood, you wouldn't have any room for more comments! That Max is a doll though, and I loved the baby pictures. He has such an innocent and sweet face. I can only picture those big eyes looking so concerned about the "mess." Too cute.

Your blog is so fun to read and I can't wait to see this little girl when she arrives!

Good luck in the upcoming weeks!

by the way, I hope you don't mind that I linked you on my blog.

Angie H said...

Here's a story for you. When I was 18 months, my mom had me, my 3 yr-old-brother, and my 2 mo-old-sister in the shopping cart (3 in three years ... yikes!). I reached over the edge and tipped the whole cart over. Mom caught Melissa, Brad was okay, but I hit my forehead on the corner of the display. And head wounds bleed, a lot. After a visit to the emergency room and 21 stitches, I have only a small scar to show for it. I would not like to have been my mother then!

Kirsten said...

Yikes. Grocery shopping while pregnant and with a toddler is not always a fun experience! We had to go today and I thought of you guys. Eli hasn't ever thrown anything but a fit. He is also to the age where going down the candy aisle, chip, aisle, toy aisle, cereal aisle brings lots of frustration! He should be too young for that!

I can't believe they forgot you and you had to go and start over! I think I just would have left the store altogether in tears!

I love that Max gave you a warning countdown, too.

Madsen Family said...

I'll bet you were buying Modge Podge at Walmart. Only at that store do they have such great customer service....When I was a baby, my mom put my two older siblings into the car, and then sat me on the hood of the car, (in my "car seat")when the car door suddenly shut. And, alas, the keys were in the car and the door was LOCKED. My siblings, too young to know what was up, couldn't get the keys and while my mom was trying to coax them to get those darn keys, I fell off the car, face first into the pavement. Lucky for me there haven't been any lasting scars. However, that doesn't stop me from blaming all my problems on this one fall. For instance, in high school, when I didn't get a good grade on a test, I would defend myself with, "But Mom, I'm sure I could have done better if you hadn't let me fall off the hood of the car." I can't wait until I have a daughter like me!

val said...

We should really have some kind of sash that we wear that we sew badges of motherhood on...great story dana!

campblondie said...

Congratulations! Sounds like you've got a very curious, wonderful perfectly normal little boy on your hands. You deserve a round of applause. (I am now clapping in a circle.)