Saturday, June 02, 2007

The Triumphant Triathletes!

*Note: the captions for each picture are below the picture*


Looking a little ragged from the race - but triumphant, happy and oh, so proud of ourselves - we take a moment to shoot a picture with our most adoring (and adorable) fan!

Hangin' in the hotel the night before the big event!

*We got the Lake Sammamish State Park at about 6:20 a.m. We set up our stuff and got ready for the swim. No picture of the swim portion, however. Our camera man was also our babysitter and the little dude is way more important than a picture or two. So Uncle Mak was tending to Max and heading to the park from the hotel when we hit the water. When Tyler and I first got there and were getting ready, we looked around to find that we were among the 10% of people (of like 875 participants) who were not wearing wet suits. We felt a little sheepish and novice. The web site had recommended wet suits, but we'd opted out of making yet another purchase to gear up for the event. Turns out the water was wonderful and those with wet suits were the silly ones after all! We did pretty well...this is the event I probably held Ty back on the most. He could have gone MUCH faster, being a much better swimmer, but he stuck with me. It was a 1/4 mile swim*

An action shot!

After our 15 mile bike ride, we're entering the TA (Transition Area) to throw off our helmets, ditch our bikes and put on our running shoes to hit the trail for the 3 mile run.

The Finish Line!

We were so fast that Mak barely had time to get the camera out! :) You know, I had told Ty the whole time that he wasn't allowed to sprint past me at the end of the race. Well, we always kick it up at the end of our runs and that's just what I was doing. I thought he would be right there with me. Turns out I sprinted ahead of him (and some unsuspecting runner who didn't see this woman of speed coming!) and finished ahead. Pretty lame of me, but I didn't mean to. Besides, we all know that Tyler could have blown me out of the water in each event, but he stuck by his woman and made it possible for me to complete this daunting task! I love you so much, Ty. Thank you!

Some post-race pictures - Max loved watching the kid's triathlon. Only a few more years, bud!

You'd think from looking at these pictures that Max was the one who just ran a triathlon. :)

A fabulous experience! I would recommend this to everyone. It's a sport for anyone to compete in. It does take some training, but there were people of all shapes and fitness levels there. It is such a great feeling to accomplish something like this! We are definitely doing more! (We'll be taking applications and resumes for a camera person/babysitter/cheerleader for the next event! :) ) Thanks to Mak who was so supportive and cheered so loud and especially took such great care of Max so that we could focus on the race. We love you and are so glad you were here!

We'll know in a few days what our time was - we're thinking around 1 hour 45 minutes which would be great for us! We'll let you know the results when we do.


Kristen said...

Way to go guys! Listen Dana it's okay if you're faster than Ty we all saw the video:) It makes me want to do one too!

Goose said...

Dana! Dana!! Dana!!! and Ty not a bad job. That really does sound fun. I am sure that Kristen and I will do somethings like that in the future. I am also glad that I got to see the jammer in action. Now I konw what to wear when I compete. Thanks for inspiring us all.

Angie said...

Wa-hooooooooooh! Wow, guys. I admire you so much for doing that. Wish we could have been there to see you cross the finish line. Way to go. You are truly an inspiration.

Jeff said...

Great work, nice exercise outfits, and impressive determination.

val said...

Wow. Dana and Ty! Awesome. You guys are so cool to do something like this. I'm proud of you guys. Way to go!!

janet said...

So inspiring! Way to go! Makes me want to train with Aaron.

Can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!

Tankfos said...

Very impressive!!!!!!!! I can see that the jammer is not as disgraceful as I was thinking. You guys looked great!!!!!!!!

Dad said...

You guys didnt' just pop in at the end like some of those marathon runners did you? This kind of a race is a true test of stamina, endurance and guts so I can't say enough about how much I admire you guys doing it.....and together makes it even better. want to try it?

Do they have a shorten version of swim the lenght of a pool, bike around the track once or try and then a 100 meter run. If they do, I'm in.


Veeda said...

Wow! I am so impressed.

campblondie said...

Ladies and and gentleman, the FOSTERS!!!!!
(monstrous clapping and yelling)

Wendi said...

awwwwRIGHT Ty and Dana!! Fantastic effort, and I think the fact that you stuck together throughout the race (well, most of it anyway ;-) ) is especially cool. Perhaps your accomplishments will help motivate me to lose all this baby weight in a few months!

Bonny said...

Congratulations - I'm so proud that you are my friend!! What a wonderful accomplishment. I always knew you had great athletic abilities!!!
Love ya!

Emily Youngdell said...

Congrats Dana and Ty! What a great accomplishment. I think it is so awesome that you guys did this together.

Matthew said...

That is awesome. Congratulations you guys!

Dana, don't be modest. It was good of you to let Ty finish so close to you. I know you care deeply for his delicate feelings ;-)

Mark said...

Great race! Here's to many more victories over Tyler . . .

cropstar said...

hi danalin! i happened upon your blog by accident (i blame it on my obsession with blogstalking) but it was fun to see what you've been up to.
Congrats on the tri! so awesome! i've been thinking about training for one and this was good inspiration. looks like y'all had fun.