Monday, June 18, 2007

My Daddy - My Baby's Daddy - My Baby's Daddy's Daddy

I love my dad - and I knew from the time I was a teenager that I wanted to marry someone with his amazing qualities. My dad is a master of children. I had a chance yesterday to think back to my childhood and all of the fun memories: funny bedtime stories, weird bedtime drinks (drinks of water brought to us in various containers from the kitchen), braiding hair abilities, goofy sense of humor, favorite phrases to be repeated over and over again with each child, camping and fishing, a bat hanging by the door with a poem for my dates to read out loud while my dad stood close to his face and tapped the bat on his many fun and funny memories! And it continues today; my dad can always make me laugh! He holds a VERY special place in my heart and I cherish our relationship. He is a hoot and loves his kids so much. To me he will always be "Daddy" and I will always be his favorite oldest daughter. :)

Now, most of you know how quickly Tyler and I met, fell in love and married. From first contact to marriage was less than 3 months. I felt like I knew him really well - and to some extent I did - but there was no way for me to know then exactly how he would be as a father. I knew that he wanted kids and I saw that he was good with kids, but I didn't know how he would be in the day-to-day caring of a child. I just assumed that he would exceed my expectations, as he has in everything else. After about 7 months of marriage we decided it was time to bring a babe into our lives. The pregnancy was so exciting for both of us! And then came the day when Max came into the world and changed us forever. I remember the first time that Tyler held Max. That picture is premanently in my mind and heart. He was hooked, and so was Max. They have been such great friends. Ty is so involved in everything! He is so excited to come home and see our little dude every day. He loves the nights when I have Young Womens so that he and Max can spend time together, just the two of them. He loves to teach Max new things and is so in awe of his growth and learning. I LOVE to watch Tyler as a father. I've thought so many times that Heavenly Father knew exactly what I was looking for and gave me the very best husband and father. I was going on faith and a sure feeling that it was right to marry Ty. I have not been at all disappointed. I have been SO blessed! I love you, Tyler Michael. I constantly feel so lucky to be your wife. And Max is one lucky little dude!

That brings me to the other father whom we honored yesterday, my father-in-law. It is because of the Mick's example that I have such a fabulous father for my kids. I love the relationship that Ty and his brothers have with their dad. Mickey is a very involved, loving, fun, funny father. I hope that he realizes as he watches his sons that it is because of him that they are the men and fathers they are today. And each one of them (6 total; 3 dads and 1 dad-to-be) are such great men, fathers and future fathers. I feel lucky to know, and be eternally tied to, such a great, great man!

I love each of these men in my life so much. Happy, Happy Father's Day!


Emily Youngdell said...

Whenever I think about your dad I have to smile. I always thought that he was so funny and so sweet. I really admire the relationship that you two have. From what I have heard Ty seems like a wonderful father and husband too. Nothing's better than watching your husband play with your kids- I love it too.

Danalin said...

I concur with everything that my wife had to say...especially the part about how I totally rock!

Veeda said...

I always thought it was so funny and sweet that your name is a rendition of your dads. I love how you love your growing family!