Monday, June 11, 2007

Uncle Mak Goes to Washington

It was so fun to have you here, Mak! Thanks for everything!!!
Mak was a champ at distracting Max into looking at just the right angle while I cut his hair.
(we thought that this post-haircut, hairy back picture was a hoot - let's hope it's not a sign of things to come, for Max's sake!)

He even braved a night in a tiny hotel room with us the night before the triathlon!

Finally once we had recuperated from the busy weekend we were able to do something fun. We drove up to Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic Mountains and got to see some amazing sights of this beautiful part of the country! It was breathtaking - both because it was super windy and cold and because it was gorgeous!
I was privileged to find out that there is an entire mountain named after me
And here it is...(the one partially covered by snow) enough majesty and beauty to match the woman for whom it was named :)
I know, it totally looks like they could slide down and off of the edge. I was a little freaked out myself!
Ty's artistic shot...
One tired babe - a quiet ride home!
We had such a fun time with Mak! I don't know if it was the world's funnest trip for him, but we are so grateful that he came. Max loved him. It's nice that we could say when he left, "See you in a few weeks!" And only 1 week from today!

These next two were actually taken the day after Mak left - this is Max's first time licking a beater. The dude loved it!


Kristen said...

you are soo lucky to have a mountain named after you. I am now on the lookout for a Mt. Kristen:) I am sure it's out there somewhere.

campblondie said...

How fun, I can't believe we are even on the same planet, you are wearing a coat and I am in a swimming pool?

cropstar said...

hey dana... i'm sure it's equally lame to answer questions in comments. oh well!
i'm super jealous of the weather in your part of the world!
i was in the WS ward but we just split last week and now i'm in the new ward called Spanish Trail. Kinda fun to be a small ward again.
I haven't picked out a triathlon to do yet. I'm aiming to do one sometime next summer. this year i'm traing for a 10k then hopefully (maybe if I don't die!) a half marathon. I'll have to hit you up for some tri training tips when the time comes.
Good to hear from you too! take good care!