Monday, January 23, 2012

Snow! Glorious snow!

In my last post I mentioned that we got some snow in Washington while I was travelling home from Vegas.  It was more of a dusting on our side of the water and these are the pictures Ty took for me since this was the first snow we've had all season.

We don't get huge snowstorms around here very often.  But usually once a year we get slammed (and by "slammed" I mean 6 or so inches)! That's a big deal 'round these parts because it doesn't happen very often and because we don't have the equipment (enough snow plows) to deal with it.

Wednesday morning I was woken up at 5:30 by a phone call from the school saying school was cancelled!  A few hours later we found out Ty would be home for the day!  We danced and cheered and had a yummy breakfast and stayed in our pj's all day.  Well, of course we went out to sled and play in the snow, but we came back in and put pj's back on, had hot chocolate, went back out to build a snowman (the snow wasn't great for this, so our snowman is a little homely), watched a movie was dreamy. Ev wasn't sure about walking in it at first.  He kept saying, "No, wet!"  So he stood at the back door, watching the kids play, until I got out there with him to show him that it was okay to walk in it.

The only thing that made it even more dreamy was that we got to do it TWO DAYS IN A ROW!  School and work both cancelled.  I love, love, love not being able to go anywhere and just being with my little family.  The second morning we actually got a lot of organizing projects done around the house.  That afternoon, Tyler declared we were going sledding on the hill at the elementary school, so he hitched a rope around his waist, tied it to a sled packed with our two youngest kids, and we all headed over to the school on the snowy streets in our neighborhood.  Max and Kelly realized they could slide down on their bellies like penguins and make it down the hill like that's what they did with some of their friends from our neighborhood.  We stayed until it got dark and then headed for home.  Everett D loved sledding the first few times (squealing with joy at the end of the ride), but had a little wipe-out with Ty that wiped out his enjoyment of it all for the night.

After we got home, Max and I stayed outside while Ty and the other kids went inside and got dinner ready.  Max said, "Hey!  This is like a little Mom and Son date!"  We had a snowball fight and went sledding down our street (we live at the bottom of a steep hill) over and over again.  We had a few crashes at the end where we laid there and laughed for a while.  At one point I asked Max if he was freezing yet and he quickly said, "No!"  But then said, "Actually, I AM really freezing, but I'm having so much fun that there's NO WAY I'm going inside yet."  We ended that night playing the Wii as a family.  The next morning school was cancelled again and Ty didn't have to go to work until 11:00.  Even then he had to shovel his way up the hill (took him a half hour or more) and got to come home about 4:00.

I really loved those snowy days!  I am sure I won't love the days tacked on to the end of the school year, but in my estimation they were worth it.  Like, totally.

1 comment:

janet said...

Yep. Everett is the cutest 2 year old ever!

What I wouldn't give for some of your famous hot chocolate right about now. do you still have the special machine? What do you call it again! Miss you!!!!