Monday, January 10, 2011

Gladys Luella

There is a lot of catching up that needs to get done on this blog, but right now I want to write about my sweet Granny.
Gladys Luella Martin Mann is my dad's mom and she passed away on December 28th, 2010. This is the closest loss I have experienced and it has been difficult. I am so grateful for the visits I've had with her, especially in the past few years as I've been able to introduce her to my husband and each child as they've come. During our visit this summer she repeatedly said that she didn't know why she still had to be on earth...she was ready to go back Home. A few months before, her health had necessitated that she move in with one of her daughters and being a "burden" was really difficult for this independent 82-year-old woman. She told me over and over that when she went she didn't want anyone to make a fuss over her or even drop anything to come for a funeral. I am so glad that there was a funeral and that I was able to be there. It was a perfect tribute to an incredible woman.

Granny was strong. She raised 7 children, mostly on her own, which would not be easy at any time during history, but even more so during that time, as women were not in in the workplace much. She had the cutest laugh and always wanted to know about the goings-on of our lives and would update us on cousins we rarely got to see. A picture I will always have in my mind is her lying on the lounge chair by the pool in our backyard for hours - she loved the sun! I loved exchanging e-mails with her when she got a computer in her home. I, like all of her 30 grandchildren, knew that she loved me and was proud of me and what I was trying to do with my life.

I am especially grateful for my Granny's faith. I am grateful that she opened her heart to the Gospel as a young mother, was baptized, and sealed in the temple. She never wavered in her faith and loved the Gospel and the scriptures. This summer as we talked, it was obvious that she had done her very best in life and her heart was pure and ready to meet our Savior. I am sure that He embraced her and praised her for the goodness of her life.

The goodness of her life is now evident in my dad who is an absolutely wonderful father, husband, and well as her other children. And I hope that I do justice to her life and legacy by how I live out my days here on this earth. I am amazed by this sweet woman and am honored to be her granddaughter. I am grateful for her example.
The Dan Mann Family (minus Mak who didn't come) - we contribute 16 to the 68 great-grands

Gentry, Kelly, Delaney, Lily, Max

Her funeral was beautiful. Almost every one of her 30 grandchildren were in attendance, and many of her 68 great-grandchildren. It was emotional, of course. Her children each shared memories of their mom and I got to know her a little better through them. She wanted bagpipes at her funeral and so, while the casket was taken out of the Church, bagpipes played Amazing Grace. It was so powerful. Watching my dad and his brothers carry their mom to the hearse was one of the most emotional moments of my life. I am happy for her to be free from an ailing body...but, oh, how I am going to miss her while I'm still on this earth! I love you, Granny Mann. You will be missed.


janet said...

such a sweet post, Dana! I still remember that story of desperation after ten plus years. Incredible.

I am so glad you were able to be there for the funeral. Are you still in Vegas? If so, please call me! If not, I missed you! Waaaa!

Anonymous said...

I love you so much! Your maturity, your inspiration, and your love for yourself and others. It is absolutely beautiful!! Love ya babe:)