Sunday, January 30, 2011

A day for the (blog) book...

Kelly has a cough. A cough isn't conducive to dropping your kid off at Nursery with a bunch of other little kids. So church was out for my Bo-Bell today. Tyler had meetings for a few hours before church but could trade off for sacrament meeting and the second hour (when I would do sharing time). So 15 minutes before church I loaded the kids in the van, drove to the church, and Ty met us in the parking lot. Max and I hopped out, Tyler hopped in and took the other kids back home (if I'd waited for his meetings to be done and for him to drive home, Max and I would have been late to sacrament, so this worked out swimmingly). Sacrament was pretty darn enjoyable with one 4-year-old! I conducted in Primary and then did the first sharing time. I'd talked to the other counselor right before church about taking over for me the last hour ...luckily it was a low-key lesson. I hurried back home for the next trade-off and left the car running in the driveway. Ty came out and as he was putting his stuff in the backseat I told him I thought there was a mouse in the car because I'd heard rustling papers under the passenger's seat the whole way home and I was totally freaked/grossed out. Luckily I was wrong - no mouse, just a bouncy ball. :) I came in, put Everett down for a nap, and hung out with Kelly for the next hour. Tyler walked in after church by himself and I said, "No Max?" thinking that Max was trying to surprise us or wanted to play in the car for a minute...but the look of shock on my sweet husband's face told the real tale. He'd left our kid at church! He rushed back and on the way got a call on his cell from the Bishop who had Max to the Max in his office. Ha! Max was found with a handful of animal crackers from the jar in the Bishop's office and a smile on his face. I don't blame Ty a bit...all of the trading off and the fact that he had driven to church after the second trade-off sans Max makes it all very understandable. I have to admit that I panicked at first and couldn't believe he'd forgotten him, but as soon as I heard Ty pealing out of the driveway I realized that church was the very best place he could have left him and knew he'd be back with our firstborn in a few minutes. Now Ty is home teaching, I've got to make mashed potatoes and a vegetable to go with our BBQ Pork Ribs and then Tyler is off to a fireside he's planned for the youth. Whew! I love Sundays, even when they're crazy and we forget our kid.


Betsy B. said...

That's awesome. Seriously, church is the best (safest anyway) place to lose a kid. I hope Kelly feels better soon!

Laura said...

I got left at church once, too, and I think my parents felt a lot better about that than the time they left me at a rest stop in South Dakota. At least Max was a good sport.

Liz said...

Haha! So funny! We all fear this! But hey church and the bishop's office is a great place to be left! Poor Ty.

Em and TJ said...

That is awesome! I saw Max with the Bishop, but had no idea that there was this great story behind it:) Love it:)

Mike and Heidi said...

Thanks for the laugh! That is a great story and one I am sure will never be forgotten.