Thursday, May 28, 2009

THAT Mom...

I've SO become THAT mom. The mom who does those things that she said she would never do. I want to share a few. So here are some things I said I would never do, but have come to understand better since becoming a mom:

  • I was NEVER going to let my kids run around with snot running down their faces... Now I realize how traumatic it is for these little people to have their noses wiped - and that their noses run for myriad of reasons and often - and so sometimes it's just not worth the battle. I'm still slightly fanatical about it in public, but at home I'll wipe it once it looks like it's going into the mouth.
  • I was NOT going to have the nasty car with crumbs all over the car seat, the floor, the ceiling. You know, the kind of car where you'd be totally embarrassed to have to move the car seat in front of anyone. I thought that was disgusting. Now I realize that there are a bazillion things I want/need to do with my time. If I cleaned out the car every time it got crumby then I would spend half of my life with the vacuum in the garage. And I've dealt with taking the car seat out and sweeping the crumbs on the floor in front of people. Was I embarrassed? Heck no! Okay, maybe slightly, but mostly I just felt proud of my lived-in car and the fact that I am not as obsessive as I thought I would be. I do clean my car - every three months or so. :)
  • "Take your kid out if they're howling in sacrament meeting" is what I used to think. I am really quite conscientious about this still, two kids later. I don't want to disrupt the meeting. However, now I know about trying to teach your child that they don't get to go out in the hall every time they wail. I also know that a loud scream can be fleeting and I would rather get it under control than get up and run out of the chapel every time.
  • I didn't think that I could ever keep walking through a store with my kid crying in the cart. I used to look at that and think, "Why don't they stop and comfort their child?" Now I realize that they 1.) Hear crying often and it just doesn't phase them much 2.) HAVE to get errands run, crying child or not, and so they are just hurrying through the store. Stopping to soothe, in many cases, will only prolong the drama/trauma. So just get 'er done!

There are still some things that I won't do. I'll never be the mom who hysterically screams at her children in the grocery store and calls them names. Not my style; still makes me cringe. So I guess there is a kind of mom I can say that I will never be, but there are so many little things that just don't matter as much as you think that they will before you actually have kids.

Okay, so spill. What are some things you've learned/taken back now that you're a mom? Or if you aren't yet a momma, write some things you've thought along these lines so that the rest of us can get a chuckle and say, "Oh, you just wait..." :) And, by the way, a lot of this didn't happen until the second child. You can manage to not become THAT mom with one sometimes (I kept a relatively clean car with Max), but wait until you have more!


val said...

funny. let me think...oh annie's hair. my child would always look presentable in public, have her hair done, etc....whatever! sometimes it just doesn't matter!
my mind is totally blank...blame it on pregnancy. i know i have a lot of these mom things...i'll have to come back later.

The Nicks Family said...

I totally laughed, because I have said all of those things and like you I am totally THAT Mom! I need to think of some things to add, like Val I am totally blanking on this.

Unknown said...

Hahaha, I LOVE it! I think every mom said those things before they actually had kids! I know I did!

I used to think some moms were crazy for bribing their kids, but now I see it as a necessity!

Also I always said my kids will never be mean to other kids, you know the kids that you look at and think their mom must let them get away with everything, I will teach my kids to always be nice :) Hahaha, I was naive.

I am also with Val on the whole not letting your kids out of the house looking a mess, but I also said that I, myself, wouldn't be caught out of the house without looking presentable. Now I can be seen at walmart and out running errands with no makeup, dirty clothes on and greasy hair that I just threw up into a pony tail and I don't care (until I see someone I know, then I am a little embarassed) :)

Shawna said...

I, also, promised myself that when Mandy was born I wouldn't wander around in Jeff's shorts, a t-shirt, and no makeup. That went fast!
I didn't want to be one of those moms who only talk about their children - also didn't last long!
And as long as Mandy has a clean diaper, who cares what she's wearing!

Jamie Claire said...

I know my mom left many carts full of stuff when she had all three of her youngest with her, I have been lucky enough not to have to leave any ---so far. But I was a clean freak about my car before Owen came along now I have to just grin and bear it until I have a free hour or two to vacumm everything up! Isn't funny what is important to us now. I won't leave the house without shoes and or soaks on my baby and I swear I wipe his face at least fifteen times during dinner out--but at home who cares! Why is that?

Carrie said...

Oh, I was totally the anti-cartoon mom. But how else am I supposed to get a shower in every now and then? Love me some PBS!

Beth said...

ok, I think I was with you on ALL of those! Isn't it so funny how having two children changes all of that, because you can still keep control (for the most part) with one child. After that, you are just managing! Hilarious! I always feel bad for whoever sits behind us in church, because even when the kids are perfect, it is still a zoo, merely by how many of us there are. Loved the post!

Bonny said...

LOVE this post!! I am so THAT mom! I can't even imagine how much more of THAT mom I will become when #2 arrives!! :) I guess the only thing I can think of to make myself feel better about it is I would rather be THAT mom than not be a mom at all!! :)
Love you Lady!!

Mommy said...

Agree 100% with you. I was also not going to be THAT mom who when the time finally came to wipe noses, used her sleeve or some other part of clothing to wipe them on! I also planned on making healthy meals 3 times a day. We have a lot of cereal, mac and cheese, hot dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches...healthy stuff, I know. Oh my. If it's this way with one, what in the world will happen when I have another one??

janet said...

This is lame, but I always told myself that my kids would never wear annoying cartoon/superhero shirts. that is ALL my kids wear. I beg them to wash them and they literally get them out of the dryer to wear again. Sometimes you have to pick your battles.

I still say my kids won't throw a screaming fit in public. But I have yet to have a little girl, so I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Loved all these answers. great post.

Kirsten said...

Yes dear, I think you are resonating with some other mommies out there with this post!

I am totally THAT mom, too. I cringe at myself when I realize that I have been running all my errands wearing graham cracker slime all over my shirt.

My car, too, is an atrocious mess. I'm surprised I can find the steering wheel amongst all the crumbs, wrappers, goldfish, and sippy cups.

I totally wear my mascara for 3+ days in a row because then I don't have to waste time making sure I don't totally resemble a zombie.

Sticking my face in a swimming pool full of un-potty trained children to show my 1-year-old how to blow bubbles in the water AND not freaking out about all the P that is in the OOL.

My house is a disaster. I go to bed with dishes in the sink. The laundry is perpetually all over the house. I NEVER dust. My windows are caked in that mysterious baby slime.

I could go on for ages about all the things I am that I would have been horribly appalled of before I became a mom.

However, I never knew I would LOVE being a mom this much. It is for sure the hardest job ever, but it's amazing how dang endearing these little ones are...

Love ya, Babe! Miss you bunches.