Thursday, September 04, 2008

Well, well, well...what do we have here?

Let the potty-training begin!
We're giving it a try. He's super good at holding it and not having accidents in public (so far). Today has been an accident-free day both at home and at the store. We just began the process on Tuesday. The problem we started having was that he just wouldn't go until he got in his pull-up for nap or bedtime. Too good at holding it! I thought, "Oh great! I'm going to give my kid a urinary tract infection because I'm trying to potty train him." So today we bought one of those little seats that fits on the toilet seat because I thought that if he was more comfortable to just sit then he would feel more free to go. It worked! He went like a champ two times before his nap. We'll see how it goes this evening. I'm not getting my hopes up too, too high, but I am excited to see if this sticks. If it doesn't, he's only 2 and we'll try again in a few months. *Thanks for the bathroom decoration idea, Carrie...he was in awe!*
This morning on the monitor I heard Kelly start talking...then I heard Max's door open...then I heard Kelly's door open...then "Hi, Kelly!" and lots of giggling from both of my kiddos...then some rustling...then I came in and took this picture (can you tell Max thought he might be in trouble? We've had to have some talks about not going into Kelly's room and waking her up, but I assured him all was well since she was already awake):
*Oh, and I do dress my children in pajamas...Max had just stripped them outside of the crib because he was poopy and wanted to be changed - that's according to the Maxster*
Labor Day morning found the Washington Fosters hiking Green Mountain. Kind of chilly at the start, lots of clouds, but we had enough cloud break at the top to snap the above picture. Usually from this point you can see both sides of the Peninsula - Puget Sound and the Hood Canal - but it was too cloudy. Still a beautiful hike, though, and the kids were fabulous!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Max is a funny little man. Here are a few things he's said lately that have made us laugh:
#1) These cute twin boys about Max's age just moved into the ward. We were having them over to play at our house for a few hours so that their mom could get some unpacking done. On the way over to pick them up I told Max that we were picking up Benjamin and Matthew to come and play. Well, the Book of Mormon Reader must be sticking, because a few minutes later Max asked, "Mom, we're going to pick up Matthew and King Benjamin?" :)
#2) Max's favorite song is 'Families Can Be Together Forever'. It's the #1 request when we put him down at night. Often we'll start to sing something else and Max will say, "No, no, no, no...'Family'!"(his name for the song) A few weeks ago in sacrament meeting a family in our ward with 4 little kids did the program. For the musical number the mom and her two oldest children sang 'Families Can Be Together Forever'. Max had been playing, but he heard the music and froze for a moment, then he looked up with wide eyes and very excitedly said, "That's MY song!" I think he really couldn't believe that they knew it too. He was very attentive during their musical number, so thrilled to hear "his" song at church. It was a fun look into that little mind.

Kelly's 6-month birthday present to herself - unclogging her tear duct! Hooray! I realized the day after she turned 6 months that I hadn't had to wipe a goob out of her eye all day...and I haven't had to since. I bet she's even more excited than I am since it means that Mom won't be picking at her eye a million times a day anymore. Good work, Bo-Belly!


campblondie said...

Your kids are getting so big. Potty training is such a huge step, they just feel so old don't they! Good work little man, you're a champ!

val said...

OOoohh that little Kelly is cute!
Good luck on the potty training, sounds like you've got a great start. I'm nervous to train Annie! Love the bathroom decorations.

Everitt's said...

I know exactly how you feel about the potty training! I am trying to train Trevor too. Boy do they set their mind whether they want to be a big kid or not. Good Luck!!

Shawna said...

Potty stuff! It sounds like he's doing pretty good for 2. I love him sneaking into Kelly's bed; hilarious. And his funny little comments.
As for hiking, that looked like great weather for a hike. We hardly go outside during the day because it's just so hot!

Unknown said...

Yay Max! I am so proud of you little man!! :)

Kelly you are one very cute baby girl! I love those eyes!

Next time we come up to visit, I want to go on that hike! Beautiful!

Carrie said...

Good luck in you potty training adventures!!!

And hello?!? Little Miss has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. Those perfect little lashes are the icing on the cake!

Emily Youngdell said...

Pottytraining is hard and a wee bit stressful but it is SO nice when you don't have to change diapers anymore! I hope it continues to go well. I love the underwear on the wall. Ü

Bonny said...

Way to go Max! (and Mom:)
I can't believe how much Max has grown up. And little miss Kelly just couldn't be any more adorable.
Such a beautiful family you have Miss D!
Love you. :)

janet said...

Way to go MAX! Potty training is not my favorite thing about parenting.. but it's so nice when they have it down! Good luck to both of you! Just remember that if it becomes frustrating, forget about it and try again in a month or two. But after that bathroom decor who wouldn't want to pee in the toilet?

And OH that little girl! And her gorgeous BLUE, ROUND eyes and that curly hair! She is such a doll! Do you think she looks like a pretty version of Ty? I do. I think Max looks a bit more like you and Kelly like her dad. But I haven't met her in person, so I can't really say.

LOVE the laughing video of the two of them! So cute!

janet said...

oh, I forgot to say that the family song story is SO cute! "my song"- darling.

Kirsten said...

Awesome all the way round! I still haven't started potty training with Eli full blast. He is peeing in the potty instead of the tub and asks to get out of the tub!!!! That is progress!

Yay for Kelly's tear duct! Xander has two plugged and Eli's didn't clear until he was 18 months. Hopefully Xander's will get better sooner like Kelly!

Your kids are so cute!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

dana, you always have the best updates! i love reading them.:) now that its been a few days, how is the potty training going?? andrew has mastered staying dry during the day (for about a month now) but he cannot seem to stay consistent with the whole #2 thing and i am going crazy!!!!!!!!!!! anyways...i love kelly's blue eyes!:)

Sheila Buchei said...

Hey you wild women!!!! I found your blog and have added it to my favorites so I can keep up with the Foster Family!