Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bits n' Pieces

I married an engineer. 'Nuff said.


We all made the trek to UW to watch the UW vs BYU game...as you can see by Ty's colors, we were cheering for the Cougs. And we weren't disappointed! For those of you who saw it, we too thought the "celebration" call was lame...but BYU blocked that kick which isn't an easy thing to do, so they still deserved the win. Such a fun game to be at and the weather was perfect! Kind of an interesting experience being on someone else's home turf cheering for the opposing team. And by ineteresting I mean a little frightening! :)


My husby ROCKS!

He placed 35th in a triathlon he did on Saturday...I can only dream of placing so high. Maybe one day I'll be hard-core enough. I am so proud of Ty. He does everything so well and looks SO good doing it!


In case you were wondering, THIS
is what happens when you put a two-year-old down for his afternoon nap after he took a half-hour nap in the morning. He does not go to sleep. Instead he totally trashes his room in the name of playing with every possible toy and non-toy. Oh, and then when you finally decide he's not going to sleep after he yells for 5 minutes, "Mom, I'm awake!" and you go in to get him, you will find him totally naked, holding out his basketball uniform and he will matter-of-factly say, "Want to wear my uniform!" like everything he's just done (including the fact that he isn't wearing a thing) is totally normal. And you - the mom - will just have to laugh because it's quite funny!

For those inquiring minds who have wanted to know how potty training is going...THIS should answer your question. Max is rockin' the potty training! We always tell him that we're so proud of him...the other night as I was putting him to bed we were talking about going on the potty - he reached out and touched the tip of my nose with his finger and said with a smile, "You're so proud." Too true, Maxwell T! *It's not 100% perfected yet, but he is pretty much accident-free and is telling us when he needs to go. He even stays quite dry at nights and has come in and asked to go potty in the middle of the night.*


Madsen Family said...

Bits n' pieces is right! From BYU Football to blocks to potty training! Love it all...I am so very jealous you got to go to the game. My folks drove over and went to the game, too; they loved it! I can't believe Max is potty-trained. What a cute, good boy. Hopefully, it will go that well with mine:)

Madsen Family said...

PS Congrats to Ty on a great finish to his race! You guys are super parents, super athletes, super everything!

Jen Hancock said...

I have to say, you and Ty inspire me and Jared. Jared and I used to be so active before we let our work and school lives over run everything....now seeing the two of you being so fit makes us want to get back into it!

It's amazing to me how kids normally leave you with three choices....laugh, scream,or cry. I've found for me, laughing normally goes over the best. It's amazing how much better kids respond to that! Cute kids and congrats on the potty training!

Unknown said...

Alright Ty! That is Awesome and I will agree with Dana, You Rock! :)

Way to go Max!! Jack saw his potty pictures in your previous blog just now and said "I want to go potty too, just like Max!" So we will be trying again soon and hopefully the 2nd times a charm! :)

Ann said...

oooh, man. I am loving the new header. Such a fun picture.

Jilene said...

Hey Dana, how do you get your pictures to collage like that so you can write inbetwwen them? I think it's really cool and can't figure out how to do it? can you help?