Monday, March 31, 2008

"I'm trying to be like______"

Yesterday at Church we're about 15 minutes into sacrament meeting when Max says, "Mom, look!" I look to where he is pointing (at the sacrament table) and then Max says, "Jesus!" Indeed, Toby Redd with his long, curly dark hair and a bit of a scruff resembles the Man that Maxwell, along with the rest of us, loves so much. I couldn't help but laugh really long and really hard. Ty was helping to pass the sacrament and so I had to turn around and tell the lady sitting behind us, a friend of mine, what Max had said. Gotta share the good laughs! Toby and his family all got a good kick out of it as well. Way to spot 'em, Maxwell!


Madsen Family said...

That reminds me of the time that my family and I were in the Hill Cumorah Pagaent. My little brother, five at the time, really thought the man playing Jesus was actually him, so would shout out, "Hi, Jesus!" whenever he saw him. It was a crack-up. I am loving your pictures of Kelly. I can't believe how fast time flies, either. My little guy looks sooooo much older than even last week. And though I am loving him sleeping through the nights and not fussing as much, I sure miss the tiny guy. They do grow so fast!

Marleen said...

That is so funny. Laughter would be hard to contain during the sacrament with that one.

Emily Youngdell said...

That is so cute! Why do some of the most funny things always happen in sacrament meeting? Last week Karly was drawing a picture in sacrament meeting and I asked her what she was drawing and she said, "It's a picture of you in the bath!" Hmmm, I'm not quite sure what to do with that...Ü

Kirsten said...

How precious! Isn't it funny the things they come up with and the times they decide to share their revelations?

Dad said...

Thanks for posting that. I have to say that is one of the cutest and most amazing things your little guy has done yet. It totally blows me away that he can remember all of that. Ty has trouble with it and here is little Max refereeing up a storm.

Just don't let Ty teach him and that boy has a future in the refereeing business.

I love you posts so keep 'em coming. Kelly is such a cutie and we love to get pictures of her. Wish we could see her more often.
