Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My, my...where does the time go?

Our little Kelly Anne is one month (and a day) old! What?! Every parent knows the feeling, though, of not being able to believe their child has already been with them for a certain length of time, but at the same time feeling like that child has always been there and can't remember what it was like to not know them. Ummm...that sentence makes sense to me - I hope it does to you too. I don't feel like rewriting it. :)

Kelly Loves:
Making lots of noises while she sleeps
Lifting her head up for as long as she can
Blowing out of her diaper - that must be the reason that she does it at least once per day!
Her brother, Max. She always turns her face toward him when he comes to talk to her and give her kisses. She is very patient with him and he loves her so very much!Cuddling
Having her bottom patted to put her to sleep
Being super cute and getting kissed all day long by each member of the family - we're big on kisses!
Her binky for just a few minutes after she's been up for a while and is ready to sleep
Eating! She's a super eater
Sleeping! She usually gives me about 5 hours of continuous sleep at night

Kelly Doesn't Love:
Having clothes put back on after her bath
Burping - it's a real struggle sometimes and takes a lot of effort for both mom and baby
When Mom tries to kiss her mouth when she's hungry (It's a mean trick, I know, but I think it's so funny and cute how she tries to attack my lips)Such a great babe! We feel so blessed to have her sweet little spirit in our home. She's getting closer to smiling, but no real reactionary smile yet. She does do a lot of smiling in general and we are excited to see more and more of it. We've loved this one month, Kelly Anne, and are looking forward to watching you grow!(We went for a walk yesterday - it had been such a nice day. Halfway through our walk it started to hail. Good thing we'd taken umbrellas and have the nice cover for the Baby Bjorn! Kelly stayed nice and cozy)


The Nicks Family said...

Has it really already been a month? Man time flies! She is adorable!!! I can't wait to meet her. Max is so cute, tell him we say Hi!!! I love you!!

campblondie said...

She really is so cute! I love the picture with the hat on. Sounds like such a good little girl. Must be the name.

Kirsten said...

I love the video! What a couple of good looking kids you have, my dear! Max is looking so grown up, but I guess people are saying the same thing about Eli (although I have a harder time seeing it).

That is SO wonderful that she is sleeping so well for you! I am praying with great fervor that our #2 sleeps much better than Eli did.

Love you!

Emily said...

I loved that video. My favorite part is when you say that it's time to go to sleep to Kelly and Max says, "No!" Adorable kids Dana. I hope the adjustment to 2 kids has been a smooth one for you so far.

Camille said...

I can't believe it's already been a month either! I feel like I was just reading about your delivery. Kelly is a total doll. I love her hair.

Marleen said...

What a sweet video. She is darling. Max is so cute too.

Angie said...

You've got some way cute kids. It was great seeing you and them last week! I love that Kelly seems so vocal. She sure is a sweetie, and Max seems like a great older brother!

Kristen said...

I remember commenting on this post, but I don't see it. Anyway, I love the pics, keep em comin baby. Also, the video was very cute. What a cute little family you guys are. You have the van to prove it:)