Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On my own...

Well, folks, I am officially on my own as a mom of two! Yesterday morning my wonderful mother-in-law, Margaret (Maggie to the grand kids), headed back to Denver. It was so great to have her here and I am so thankful for all of her help! But now it's back to waking up when Max does and doing my own laundry and making my own meals and cleaning my own house. (Actually, Ty made dinner last night.) Now I know why people have nannies. :) Just kidding - today has been fun and it's nice to get into our own little routine and see that I can totally handle this. I can't believe that I had two full weeks of help. I am one lucky lady. And it's not over - my parents are BOTH coming this weekend and we'll be blessing Kelly on Sunday. My dad is super anxious to come and hold our new babe and we are so excited that we get both him and Grammy so soon!Today I took Max and Kelly to look for a blessing slip at a kids consignment shop and then we headed to the mall so that Max could play on the toys. I felt like such a mom driving my minivan with my two little people in the back! I loved it! I talked to my good friend, Janet, who said that she felt this great after her third but at about 6 weeks she felt really tired. So maybe I should settle down a bit. I already want to go and exercise and have been on some good walks. I feel like I could start training for the triathlon I'm doing in June! But I was often reminded by both my mom and mother-in-law that I need to keep taking it easy so that I can continue to feel great. I will try to remember and heed their advice.

Kelly is adjusting to the world very well. She is a really great baby and only fusses when it's time to be fed. She sleeps well and smiles a lot (we know it's not in reaction to anything yet; it's just super fun to see what she'll look like when her face does light up on purpose!). Man, she is just so cute! I'm trying not to get too attached to her hair in case it falls out like Max's did. But I'm sure lovin' it for now. I love her eyes and her tiny mouth and tongue. She's got really long fingers and toes and feet and a long torso...gotta be from her dad! Ty told Max that Kelly may be taller than him someday which could possibly be true since the Maxster seems to be taking after his mom in that department. Let's hope not, though! Anyway, she's so much fun and we LOVE having a newborn in the home again!I keep trying to get a really good picture of her hair, but none of them seem to turn out. The pictures don't do it justice. My mom and MIL said the same thing when they tried. But here's an okay picture of her curls.Max continues to be a great big brother. He gives Kelly lots of kisses and hugs. One problem has been that he really wants to play ball with her. :) He's tried to throw her a football and a basketball. Today he kept bringing her toys and laying them by her head saying, "Here, Kelly!" I feel lucky to have him be so good to her and not having to worry about any meanness. Max is such a sponge! We are so amazed by what he learns and remembers. We've had these foam alphabet letters in his bathtub for a long time and occasionally we'll spell words with him during his bath. Well, we started to realize that there were letters he was remembering. When he saw an O or an R anywhere he would point them out and say the letter. Well, we've been kind of teaching him a little more the past week or so and the other night Tyler went through all of the letters to see how many he would get - he got 22! What in the world?! Ty would just hold up the letter and Max would say what it was. He must have a mind like his daddy because that sure doesn't come from me! The other day Ty was looking for something he needed but wasn't finding it and he said, "Doggone it!" Ty left the room and a few minutes later I hear Max across the room saying "Doggone it!" in his cute little voice. He has so much energy and changes and seems so much older all of the time. I love being his mom more than I can express!
Master tower builderThis is what you get when you tell Max to smile - as of a week and a half ago. Love it.


The Nicks Family said...

You have two adorable kids! I love the pictures. I know what you mean about loving the help, but liking the time to get into your own routine. Take it easy! But how fun that you are feeling that good, that is great! I can't wait to see pictures from her blessing and only wish that I could be there. Know that we love you and will be thinking about you!

val said...

Looks like you are doing so well. I wish I could hold your little Kelly! I still want to talk to you. Janet gave me a wrong number...that little...will you email it to me? I'd love to hear your cute voice.

Carrie said...

HMMMM...now that your house is empty, I'll just invite myself on over to come and cuddle that sweet little pink bundle of cuteness!

that would be great.

Anonymous said...

so glad to hear that everything is going so well! i hope i can say the same in about a month! i get nervous thinking about having the new baby here, although of course i am so excited at the same time! AND you look great! hey, where in washington are you guys? we are in spokane.:)

Kirsten said...

I love all the pics! You look really great my dear! I can't believe you are already getting the urge to start training for your next triathlon! You really are an animal! I love that Max knows his letters! Isn't it amazing what they retain? You are such a great mommy! You are my Wonder Woman and my She-rah! Give your little people a squeeze for me!

Bonny said...

Wow! It sounds like you're a pro at being a mommy of 2 already! I love the pic of you with Max and Kelly - too cute!!
Max sure is a little smartie! I can't believe he already knows his letters. So cute!
Glad you are doing so good.
Love you lady!! :)

Emily Youngdell said...

I love the picture of the three of you. So cute! I wish that I could come and visit with you and hold your precious little baby. Maybe someday, right?

Camille said...

You are so lucky to have such great help. There's nothing like having other women to do the things in your home and with your kids that you can't do for yourself. Kelly is a sweet and adorable little angel.

Beth said...

Your family is lucky to have you as a mom----you are so positive! So, even if things get a little crazy, you will get through it! Love Max's smile! We have so many pictures of Blake when he was about 3, and he thought a smile was just sticking out his jaw. He thinks it is the funniest now! Hope you guys have a great weekend with the blessing!

janet said...

Val's right.. I played a dirty trick on her and made her call Rosalee, our old manager from Royal Crest. I am sure they had a nice chat.

It was good to talk to you!! YOU are a SUPER STAR and are probably ready to pop out another one! jk. But I am so proud of you and love how easily you adapt. You have such a great attitude about everything! Love you!

Jenny said...

Hey...remember us, Joe and Jenny Herrera? Your little family is so very cute and congrats on the baby, she is beautiful. You look fantastic and cute as ever.

Marleen said...

I love new babies. Your Kelly is precious and so cute and tiny. I can't believe it is already time to bless her. Her first few weeks went by fast. I'm glad the transition seems to be going well for you. Love the pictures.