Friday, March 07, 2008


That's what life has been for the past week and a half. First I had my wonderful husband home taking care of us and then my mom came last Friday morning and was able to be here until last night (Thursday). I have been able to sleep in with Kelly most mornings while my mom played with Max and fed him and got him dressed. She's a preschool teacher and is like a walking musical; she has a song for everything! I'm sure Max is going to find me very boring after playing with Grammy for 6 days. I've also had time to play with Max and give him one-on-one while my mom took care of Kelly. It was so, so, so amazing to have my mom here. I shed many tears las night after she left. She cooked every meal, did our laundry twice, really cleaned the house today (mopped, dusted, did bathrooms, vacuumed...) and made Max's life super exciting all week long! We ran errands, went to two different parks, made a trip to the library, made cookies, got Kelly's blessing dress ready, made bows (rather, mom made them while I fed and held my babe), and just generally had a really great time together. She watched Kelly while Tyler and I took Max on a walk to play at a school nearby. It was just the perfect week with more help than I could have hoped for. I am extremely grateful that she took the time to be here. I love her so very much! Thanks again, Mom...

So my sister Bethany has been very disappointed with the lack of pictures of our newest addition, so this post is mostly for family since we are far from everyone. I hope the rest of you enjoy the pictures too!
The world's greatest Grammy!

One of my young women raises lambs - we were dropping off a birthday present and got to check out the newest lambs that were born just after Kelly.

My mom was so cute to let Max help her make every meal. Here they are making yummy cookies that we are still enjoying!

This is how Kelly's legs are most of the time. Now I know how that body fit inside! :)
First Sunday dress; she was great in sacrament meeting!

Very cute and loving big brother...this is how he feels about her most of the time

...and this is how he feels the other part of the time! :)
All adjustments are going rather well! Kelly only wakes up once at night, usually around 3:00 a.m. I'm trying not to get my hopes up that this could be how it goes all of the time, but I am LOVING it for now! She's super cute and easy to care for. Max gets more and more interested in her every day and gives her tons of hugs and kisses. My mom bought him a little stool so that he could be up to help with her diaper changes and baths since he wants so much to be a part of everything that goes on. I love that I have two kids! Now I want to hurry and end so that I can get downstairs to my mother-in-law. Tyler picked Margaret up from the airport when he dropped my mom off last night! I know, I am super spoiled. She'll be here until Monday. I'm sure I'll post some more pictures after she leaves....


Kenn N said...

Very nice pictures. I never noticed how much you look like your mom. Anyway, it's good to see you are doing so well with having an additional child around. Amy and I are hoping it will be as great as you explain. I'm sure it will be. I'm hoping for a boy, and she is sure it is a girl. I hope she's wrong. Time will tell.

janet said...

hooray for new pictures! I am still loving all that hair she has! I am SO glad your mom was able to come out. My mom came out to Spokane when I had Zack and it was incredible.. I bawled when she left me with three little kids to care for all by myself. I think it's different when you live far away from them.. at least it was for me. And HOW LUCKY are you to have your MIL come next! the pictures of Max and Kelly are too cute! I loved the "walking musical" comment and I can't believe you already took her to church already! You have a least a month of deserved inactivity...

campblondie said...

Love the pics! She is so beautiful. Seriously, help after having a baby makes all the difference doesn't it?

Marleen said...

Those last two pictures are great. What a cute boy and girl you have. You are truly spoiled with getting both moms. Spencer's mom works and if she comes usually a load of others come with. Not my idea of resting.

The Nicks Family said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's about time :) You know I love you, but I am so happy to see new pictures, so is so pretty, adorable, cute and I wish I could come see her. I am glad that you had such a good time with Mom, you need and deserve that. Thanks for the pictures. Max is adorable as well, and looks like such a cute big brother. Tell him we say hi and that we love him! Love ya lots!!

The Nicks Family said...

I showed the pictures to Haden and he said "I think she is beautiful!" And he wanted me to let you know :) Love ya!

Emily Youngdell said...

I just love your Mom Dana, she is so cute. I'm glad that you had such a great week! Your kids are so cute. Hope you have a fun weekend with your family. Love ya.

Kirsten said...

I am with Bethany! Hooray for more pictures. I swear I have been stalking your blog waiting for more. She is such a beautiful little thing! Ty - you are going to have to lock her up when she gets a little older! I am so glad Max is doing an awesome job as big brother. I hope Eli does the same!

That is so awesome that you've had so much help. I don't know if we are going to have any this time. We had more than enough offers with Eli and I didn't want any of it, but this time I really do want the help with Eli, but it might just be us.

Keep the pictures coming! You guys are such a cute family!

Madsen Family said...

What a darling baby girl. I am so glad that Kelly and Will are destined to be married:) And I also can't believe you braved church already. Will's a month old and he still hasn't made it there, but I am also the world's most paranoid mother--he may stay inside with me forever. I'm loving all the pictures and can't get enough. Keep 'em coming and enjoy all that family time. My mommy and MIL visits have already come and gone:( Give Kelly lots of snuggles!

nickel... said...

Girl...You BLOW MY MIND! You are such a happy cute down to earth mama and wife! I LOVED the pictures as well! You make the most adorable kids!

And reading that post made me want to go over and hang out with Sand-Man some more and have her teach me some songs and daily dealings with toddler tricks! :)

I'm so happy for you! Tell Ty we said hi and kiss your babieS (plural!) for me!

Carrie said...

Oh yay! I was hoping you'd put that darling baby down for just a minute so that you could post a few pictures for us!

She's a doll and I love the pictures of her with her darling big brother.