Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cute Moments

I love little kids that want to copy older siblings.  Ev was sure to get his feet just right so he could look like Kelly.  And Kelly ends up in her ballet outfit a lot lately. :)

Everett loves to line things up and often empties the shoe closet for this task.  "All yined up, Momma!"  Other favorite objects to "yine up": tupperware, tupperware lids, books, cars, big trucks.
I posted this on Facebook:
Sweet moment I caught in the mirror. (Don't worry, I was stopped when I took the picture) They held hands the whole ride home from school. Max is usually in the back, but opted for Kelly's seat today. Ev was super excited to see Max when he got out of school. Max: "Ev was jumping up and down and hugged me THREE TIMES!" Love when my kids are so sweet to each other. :)
Funny things kids have said that have been posted on Facebook (some from December), but need to go down in the Foster Fam blog book:

  • Max: "What if I sang 'Praise to the Man' SO loud that it filled ALL the states with joy? People would start to plug their ears, but then they would hear the music and they would kneel down and pray. Even astronauts who just landed on the moon would hear it and kneel down to pray."  (then he went on to discuss the possibility of the astronauts being on the planet with lots of volcanoes and the singing would make a volcano erupt and kill the astronaut while he was praying...but it started out sweet :))
  • I love when my kids understand certain sayings wrong. Kelly just said, "Mom, come enjoy us in here." You know, instead of "Come join us in here." I think her way of saying it is much more appropriate...not to mention cuter.
  • I loved Max's note to Santa he left with the milk and cookies. I was the scribe and he wanted me to write, "I love you, Santa, SO much." But then he said that he wanted to say something else but didn't want to make Santa feel bad. I asked him what it was and he leaned over with his hand cupped around his mouth to whisper in my ear, "But I love my Mom and Dad more." I told him that would probably make Santa happy to hear that he loves his mom and dad, so we put it in the letter followed by (I hope that doesn't make you feel bad)
    Then he said, "Santa, I don't want any presents for Christmas, I just want to learn about Jesus. (pause) Wellll....I do want SOME presents. Thank you for all the things you do." :)
  • Max: "I'm not a lover, I'm a fighter" (when Ev was hugging him) :) But that couldn't be further from the truth. Brother is a lover.
  • Tonight Max said, "If I were married to Reyes (little girl who lives next door, is the same age, and best friend to both Kelly and Max), every afternoon at 9:00 I would hug her. That's what I would do if I were married to Reyes." :)
  • Everett has learned to say "snuggle" and says it even cuter..."nuggle." Yesterday he said, "ome on (come on), Mama, nuggle" and motioned for me to follow him to the couch. You better believe I dropped what I was doing for a nuggle with my little guy!
  • Max's class is doing a Holiday concert tonight and we've been playing the CD of songs here at home for practice. There is a song about Hanukkah and lighting the menora. This morning Kelly was very sweetly singing every word, including hand motions. "...on this the first night of Monica." :) I've tried correcting her and explaining Hanukkah, but later I still heard her singing the song about Monica.
  • Two cute things this morning:
    1) We'd just dropped off Kelly at preschool and were driving home and I said, "I sure love my boys." Ev responded, "Okay, Mom." and a few seconds later added, "Me too. Me too, Mama." I asked, "you love me too?" "Yep, wove you too, Mama."

    2) Max and I were just talking at the table and he was saying that he hopes it snows again so that we can go sledding at his school AND have our special date (last time it snowed he and I stayed outside longer to sled on our street and he called it our Mom and Son date). I said that would be fun and he matter-of-factly said, "So let's be looking forward to that." Then hopped down from the table.
  • I just asked Ev how old he is (because I like to hear him say it) and he held up the right number of fingers and declared "Two!" I told him "That's right, good job!" He then starts shaking his shoulders, dancing, and saying, "Booyah!" :)
  • I saw that Max forgot to flush the toilet and said, "Ugh, Max, you didn't flush!" His response? "Oh, yeah I forgot. (then with a smile) I thought it was during Joseph Smith's time (1800's) and I didn't have to flush." Oh, puh-lease, brother. :)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness I love your kids. And I love that you share all their cute sayings. I can't wait to see all of you!