Tyler was saying the other day that we're lucky we had such a huge emotional bank account to start off with since we've only been able to make withdrawals for the past few months. But the account is depleting and we both feel it. And there just isn't time to make the kind of deposits we're used to. Thank goodness for his 9/80 schedule...those three day weekends are lifesavers...or emotional bank account savers.
*Side story: I love Tyler's analogies. I remember the first time I heard him teach. We met online, remember, and he came to Vegas to meet me on a (very magical) Wednesday. That Friday I drove to Provo to see him again and to meet his parents, brother, and sister. I went to Church with him and he was a Sunday School teacher. I LOVED his lesson. I loved how he taught things in a way that was easy to understand. He is a big user of parables and analogies. I was already smitten, but that Sunday School lesson took it to another level.*
Well, I think that the Lord takes opportunities like this to stretch and teach us. In many ways. One was in the form of a new calling for Ty this weekend. He's been called to be the Young Men's President. The Bishop was aware of our situation, so before he 'officially' extended the call, he came and talked to us about it. While it is going to be a stretch (he can't even attend the weekly activities until January because of classes and then a trip to Vegas we have planned) with good men serving with him, I know that he is going to be able to pull it off and do very well. In Tyler's setting apart he was told that he likely was given this calling at this particular time so that he would learn to delegate, as that will be important in future callings he will have. He was given some other wonderful promises as well.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33) I have seen that in my life over and over again; God takes care of us and makes our load lighter when we put Him first. I think that we are going to be surprised at how well things fall into place and the time that we have together will not seem so depleted. I am so thankful for opportunities to grow and to serve - because we all know this isn't a calling just for my sweet husby; for him to serve well I've got to serve well here at home. I'm getting pretty good at it. :)