Thursday, November 12, 2009

Your opinion matters! (kind of)

I always do this. I think that I should grow my hair out, I do grow my hair out, and then I eventually cut it and look at pictures of my long hair wondering why I thought I should grow it out in the first place. I have been really trying to get out of Ty what he prefers, but he refuses. He likes it however I have it - long or short doesn't matter to him (or so he diplomatically - wisely? - says).

A few considerations:
  • I've really liked being able to do a ponytail
  • I've got chubby pregnant face so I'm not going to go super short because then it would highlight the face roundness
  • Maybe it's more that I don't have a good long-hair style? I've thought of trying to do the loose-curl look, but haven't tried yet. I feel like a total poser in the world of long-hair girls.
  • Or maybe I'm at the second awkward growing-out stage and just need to plow through it?
  • I always like my hair when I cut it. Always.
Tyler would warn you that even after giving me your opinion, I'm going to do what I want to do anyway. It's true (and the reason he decides not to give his opinion, I'm sure). But it does help in my decision-making, even if my decision ends up being to go against popular opinion. It's part of my process. So, come on, help a girl out!

**I would give you pictures to help form an opinion, but I don't have any cute ones of me long-haired. I would take a picture today, but I exercised and have no intention of doing my hair. Scroll through old pictures if you must.**


Joe and Toni said...

Nov 18th 2007!


Emily Youngdell said...

Of course I had to go and look at Nov. 18th's post and your hair does look very cute it in.
I too love your hair any style, but if getting an awesome new haircut can make a pregnant girl feel better, than I say do it!

Dax and Steph said...

I can never decide what to do with my hair either. So now i just grow it out until I have enough to donate, then chop it all off. It's kind of fun because you get to try all different lengths and I know it's going to a good cause. I think I have donated my hair like 5 times now. I donated it when Ryan was like 3 months old because it grew like a weed when I was pregnant and he really liked to pull it. I'm probably going to do the same thing after I have this next baby. Just an idea though.

Dax and Steph said...

I check the blog often so you can contact me through it any time. If you donate it to the pantene beautiful lengths it's only 8", but locks of love i believe is 10". I know some places in Utah will even give you a free haircut if you are donating it. But it's been a while so they might not any more.

Kristen said...

I liked your hair when I saw you. You also have super cute hair when it's short. I am not much help. Whatever is going to make you feel best. Drew is the same way. He will not tell me what he prefers. It drives me crazy!

April said...

Let it grow, sister! You can make it, just get through this tough phase. Or maybe a "trim" would help you feel like you like it again. I am not anti-short. As previously mentioned, you look great either way. But if you are trying to grow it long, don't quit when it's just kinda long! :)

Madsen Family said...

I am the same way--I grow my hair out just to cut it because the long hair starts driving me bonkers...Anyway, here's my two cents (I'm a little late on the vote, but oh well). I like long hair, but personally don't like super long hair. I like just past the shoulders (like two/three inches past) with a cute, layered cut. When my straight hair gets too long, it just looks straggly. So, I say a cute, semi-long cut is the way to go for now since you've been growing it out. It will still be long and compliment the face, but not so long that it doesn't have style and/or is a bit of a mess! Of course, you are the epitome of cute, so whatever you do, you'll look great!

janet said...

is it too late for me to comment on this???

My theory is always have it long enough for a ponytail. especially after a new baby. But you can totally pull off short hair. I will never go short again.