Friday, November 20, 2009

"I wish..."

"...that instead of liking blood, vampires liked to eat, like, chicken or tuna." - Max Foster

*My favorite discussion which takes place a few times a day*
"Kelly, do you love me?" "Yeah," with signature emphatic head nod. "Oh. Good."


We were playing and Max told me that I was going to play Baby Jesus and he was going to be Joseph. He draped a blanket over his head and then told me he was going to give me a blessing. He put his hands on my head and said (in a deep voice, of course, as he was playing a much older man):

"Baby Jesus Foster, I lay my hands upon your head to give you a blessing. You will grow up and someday go back to live with God. We will miss you. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

I wondered for a second whether I should let him proceed (is it sacrilegious?) but then thought that it was pretty amazing he knew the right words to say and someday he'll be giving blessings for this was just practice.


Our ward had a talent show.
Ty was doing three numbers with a few different people; displaying his vocal, guitar, and harmonica skills. Max decided he wanted to participate. For weeks he would stand on his "stage" *the back of the couch or recliner* and sing in his most voluminous voice Book of Mormon Stories. I wasn't sure how the actual talent show would play out - Would he be confident? Would he chicken out completely? We got there and the confidence level was still super strong, "No, Mom, you can just sit on the front row and clap" was his response when I asked if he wanted me to stand by him on the stage. The time came. His name was called. I put him on the stage and those big, beautiful, blue eyes were suddenly filled with some serious fear, "Mom, I want you to stand by me." The song started out a little timid, but gained gusto a few lines in. He finished off strong to resounding applause. He had practiced a dramatic bow at home *all on his own, we don't know where he learned to bow like that* but instead threw himself in my arms and buried his head when he finished this time. Was this momma proud? My heart was about to burst.


Unknown said...

Oh my Max!! I love you SO MUCH and I am SO PROUd of you!! I am love all his comments! :)

campblondie said...

What a big kid!!! There is no way I could EVER persuade ANY of my children to stand a stage and just wouldn't happen. Way to go big guy!

Ann said...

Oh my heavens! My pride would have killed me! Just being there and watching YOUR kid do that might have killed me. There is absolutely nothing like seeing your kid do something like that. I love it!

janet said...

Of course the children of Ty and Dana will be performers. And you wonder where he learned to bow... who are you kidding?

Way to go, Max!!