Friday, November 07, 2008

Choir of ONE

Last night as I was putting Max to bed and singing him his final, final song for the night (we're often called back in for "one more song, Mom/Dad!") Max raised his arms and began conducting inches from my face. He was very focused on the correct (which were also hilarious and exaggerated) movements of his hands and would occasionally say during the song, "Good singing, Mom!" Gee, thanks, bud. I have to say that I did try a little harder to sound good last night since I had such a cute conductor to impress.


Marleen said...

He is adorable. I can picture him concentrating on his conducting skills.

Emily Youngdell said...

That is so cute. I love the fact that he was inches from your face. Do we have a future Tabernacle Choir conductor on our hands?

Shawna said...

I, too, was picturing his little arms waving around. Always good to know your singing is appreciated!

Anonymous said...


Your son is so dang cute! You must be so proud. I know we haven't spoken in some time, so I hope you don't mind me posting on your blog. You can blame Bethany. She and I are "friends" on Facebook and I saw the link to her blog, which in turn led me to yours. I swear I'm not a stalker, but I couldn't resist. I'm glad to see you and your family are doing so well. Your kids are adorable.
Take care and have a great Holiday Season.