Monday, July 14, 2008

In the interest of full disclosure....

I love being able to put all of the cool things we do as a family on my blog. I love writing and bragging about my achievements. I love all of the comments I get about how great I look after having a baby and how awesome I am for doing triathlons. I love how I feel about myself after reading said comments. However, tonight I'm feeling sad/frustrated and even my own blog annoyed me. Recently my friend, Ann, put up a post that left me inspired. It was nice to read something so real. Sometimes I want to get on and read that someone I know has had a bad day so that I know I'm not alone (not that I want you to have a bad day!) I think the blogging world can leave us with the sense that everything is so good in everyone else's lives and that our lives do not match up. Heck, I think life in general is that way. I heard somewhere that often when we're measuring ourselves against another person, we are measuring our worst against their best. I think that's so true. I hate when someone says to me that they don't think I have bad days or stressful times with my kids. I am so like everyone else - ups and downs, irrational emotions, major weaknesses. I don't want to be one of those people that you measure yourself against. the interest of full disclosure:

  • I only post the pictures I look good in. There are plenty of pictures that show that my stomach still has serious rolls or that my hips are really wide...but I either delete them before they can be downloaded from my camera or I just choose not to post those ones for the world to see. Mostly, though, they've all been deleted. Otherwise I would post one here.
  • My last triathlon time was super slow. ANY of you could have gotten out there and done as well - or MUCH better - than I did. I loved that it kicked me in the pants to get on a better workout routine, but let's be honest - I really stunk!
  • I LOVE being a mom, BUT there are days that it is really hard and really draining. Today has been just such a day. My son is VERY two and my sweet little baby girl needs me a lot still. I feel like I need a mom vacation. I don't want to give up the job for more than an evening or two, but I would like a break. I am feeling drained tonight. Here's a story: on the second to last day of our recent trip we were on the road for about 15 hours. Toward the end of the drive, I was sitting between Max and Kelly. Kelly was sad and so over being in the car. Max was too, but he was just getting annoying. He kept touching my arm and making loud noises and "hammering" me with his toys. The boy loves to hammer. He said in a really whiny voice, "Mom, I want to hammer your head" My response? "I'm going to hammer your head in a minute!" I was only half joking. It made Tyler and I laugh, though. How disturbed are we? I'm glad my little man didn't really understand.
  • I feel lonely often. Girlfriend lonely. I wish that I had a good group of girlfriends to hang out with. I do, but we just don't get together very often. I know that's partly my fault and so I need to make more effort. But sometimes I wish that it didn't take effort, you know? Like the kind of friends that you feel comfortable popping in on and looking like junk in front of. Or just one.
  • Lately I can't keep up on housework the way I normally like to. Tomorrow is laundry day, but it seems like I just had laundry day. I'm dreading it for some reason.
Now, it's really hard for me to just leave it at that. I know I should. But I feel better for having vented a bit and I'm going to climb in bed and need to end on a better note. And this is my blog, so I can do what I want. I really love my husband and my kids! Tyler is teaching me how to swim freestyle (at my request) so that I can be more competitive in our next tri. He's a patient man. Even though Max is so two, he is also so cute. The other day he gave me a "Good job, mom!" when I made him breakfast. Love it. Kelly has started a new smile that I find even cuter than her full-body smile.

Ups and downs, just like everyone else. You knew that I had them, I just wanted to lay them out there for you. Full disclosure.


Madsen Family said...

Dana, I have to admit, you are one of the people I often compare my worst self to your best self. And it is nice to know that I'm not alone in feeling a lot of these things, especially the lonely one. I SOOOOOO wish you were still around b/c I, too, would love a drop by any time friend AND I know what you mean about getting behind on housework. But that's a-ok especially b/c we have great husbands who understand. Wouldn't it be so very nice if we could have a girls night out tonight? Here's to wishing! Miss you! (PS I love that you delete the bad pictures of you--I'm the same way, though I still have a thousand with me that show my shopping-sized BAGS under my eyes, making me look about 10 years older)!

Unknown said...

I love you Dana! I am sorry you had "one of those days." I know what you are feeling and I know how hard it is! I think it's awesome that you put that post out there! We all want to look our best in front of each other and so we only talk about the good in our lives. But it is good to hear that others are going through the same things you have been through or are going through! I just wish we lived by each other! :)

Unknown said...

Tell Ty to give you a hug for me!

janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
janet said...

When you said "FULL Disclosure" I was hoping for a nude picture actually showing all your fat rolls. I was really disappointed. kidding. geez.

LOVE this post. We can ALL relate and we all have those kinds of days. You are such a GOOD person-- always looking for the positive.. always expecting the best outcome.. and it usually turns out good for you because you find the good in every situation. But for those who really know you, know that you have bad days too. Blogging is an interesting world because even though you feel really good about "journaling" it doesn't exactly say what your journal would say. And if our daughters would ever look back at our blog as what actually happened, they would feel really disappointed to NOT find the struggles hidden inside all those GOOD (almost perfect) days.

Anyway, if it makes you feel any better-- I am ALWAYS comparing your worst self with my best self.. and boy.. I feel great today! Thanks for the boost!

Emily Youngdell said...

Dana, the blogging world is an interesting one. I totally love it, but sometimes I walk away feeling down and thinking to myself, "Hmmm, I pretty much suck." It's hard not to compare your lives with other's and to feel insecure. Believe me, I have been guilty of this. I too delete the bad pictures. Usually, most of my pictures are from the neck up. Ü
Do you know how much I would love it if we lived by each other and we could hang out all of the time?! If you ever feel the need to have a little break you are always welcome to come and stay with me for a few days! Come on Dana, you know you want's been far too long since we've seen each other. Ü
I totally relate to needing a Mom vacation. In fact, I totally relate to everything you said. Just so you know, I love you tons Dana and I hope today is a better day for you. Ü

The Nicks Family said...

Well I can tell you that Dana is just like everyone else, she has her ups and downs, we ALL do! I know I am guilty of it a lot of times! But Dana you are a wonderful person, and awesome Mom, wife, sister and friend. I am so glad that we 'know' each other, through good or bad! I am sorry you were having one of those days, those days suck! I hope that today is a better day, go do something for YOURSELF! You deserve it! Love ya!!!

Bonny said...

Oh man, do I ever love this post! It is so so true. I don't know a single person that would post their bad pictures for ALL to see (although I just put one on my blog that I hate of myself and I've regretted it ever since! I only did it because my hubby and baby looked cute!) I've also been lonely in the girlfriend department. Since becoming a stay at home mom I haven't really made any real friends - pretty sad. And not many days go by that I don't think "I so need a mom break!!" Being a mom is hard work!
All I can say is I love you and you've been a great example to me and I'm glad you have days like me - and that only makes me love you more!!! :)

Ab-Normal said...


I loved this post. Thank you for sharing this with us! I agree with everything said. It is such a relief to hear that someone else is going through the same thing! You are truly amazing and I know that you are an awesome mother and wife! I loved the hammering story. I hope you have a great day. Love ya!

Marleen said...

Well, in an odd way that was refreshing. It is very true. It is fun to get the "boost me up" comments. I hope people are truthful in them. By the way, the high chair is from Target. My mom purchased it for her Grandbabies who come and visit. Goodluck on the search.

campblondie said...

AMEN!!!!! 520-208-6590

Kirsten said...

I totally could have written your disclosure to the world in my life almost word for word! Holy cow - 2-year-olds can definitely be way more beastly than I would have ever thought possible, and it always feels like you JUST did all the laundry and there it is ready to be done again!

I miss all my girlfriends, too. I have felt so isolated here and don't have any friends I can just pop in on when I look like junk and my kids have run me ragged. I so wish we lived closer! Love ya to bits. You made my day with this post.

Anonymous said...

dana, i'm so glad you wrote this post!! i know that so many of us are feeling like this but no one ever really says it, mostly because no one else is either! i can relate to everything you said! i feel like i have been going CRAZY with andrew lately. in some ways i think 2 is such a great age, and in other ways the hardest age yet! i find myself looking forward to naptime and bedtime more and more and often feel guilty about it. anyways, thanks again for your honesty...i loved it!
where exactly are you guys living again? we will be in seattle this weekend...

Anonymous said...

hey! i've tried emailing you twice this morning but they both got sent back...? weird.
can you email me?
then i can just reply to you.:)