Wednesday, April 23, 2008


A few videos...probably most entertaining to grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins...but anyone is welcome to watch! Max loves the alphabet and knows all of his letters so now we're working on the ABC song. He went through the whole thing perfectly with me several times, but wouldn't totally do it for the video. He's also big on playing the guitar and singing, although you don't get a full flavor of his songs on this video. A funny story: Max sings super LOUD when he plays his guitar. He sings songs about Kelly, Dad, Mom, and any other object he sees around the room. The songs have great lyrics. Like his Kelly song goes, "Kelly, Kelly, Kellllyyyy!" with all sorts of inflection and adjustment to volume. But the majority of each song is really loud, as I said. When my mom was visiting she and I were trying to have a conversation while Max was beltin' it out. I finally asked him if he could please sing a quiet song so that I could hear Grammy talk. He agreed to sing a quiet song. It went a little something like this, "Quiet, quiet, QUIIIIETTT!" in his normal LOUD volume. Nice. Love this boy! And I just took a short video of the Kellster because I think she's super cute! She's starting to make little "oooh" noises pretty often now and we have conversations with variations of oooh's. It makes her smile a ton. She melts my heart.


The Nicks Family said...

Max cracks me up! I think him and Cole will have a blast this summer. Tell him I said I loved his songs! Kelly is absolutely precious! I can't wait to hold her, she is just so sweet! You are such a cute Mom! I love you!!

Shayle said...

They both are so cute! I love the songs, and the yelling is the best part.

campblondie said...

There is no light hidden under a bushel there, I say, Rock it Max.

Kirsten said...

LOVE IT! He is quite the creative little chap. Keep on keepin on, little Max! Eli and Max could get together and have some awesome ABC jam sessions!

Kelly is so cute! It is fun to see how much she looks like Max.

Sara said...

I watched the Max video and loved did Oliver. I think they would have fun together.

Tankfos said...

Max has got to work on the melody but the boys got a future! He already has the stage presence of running around and throwing his guitar down.

janet said...

what a song writer!! He's more like a rock star! and Kelly is so sweet. Zack watched the videos with me and when Kelly's was playing he kept saying, "Hi baby! Goochy goo!" as if she could see him back. Gotta love modern technology that allows us to see 3 minutes into your life! Love ya!