Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Oh, Max....

I really like this little boy of mine.

On Monday morning the week of Easter he woke up and the first thing he asked was how many days it was until Thursday.  He was excited that it was only three days away and I asked why.  He said that for show & tell he was going to tell everyone the TRUE meaning of Easter.  He had a whole dialogue planned out "First I'll ask Cierra what Easter is about, then she'll say....well, I don't know what she'll say, but probably something about easter eggs and stuff like that and I'll say, 'No, but close...' Then I'll ask Mrs. Robillard and...well, she might know the answer (chuckles).  But I'll tell them that it's about Jesus and His resurrection..."  I wasn't sure how it would go down {the whole separation of church and state bit} but I figured that his teacher could handle it well and I didn't want to discourage him from sharing his beliefs.  He tried it out in music the other day first.  The music teacher was talking about the Easter bunny and Max raised his hand and said that he wanted to tell the REAL meaning behind Easter.  She said that she couldn't have him tell everyone right then, but that if anyone wanted to know the answer to that question, they could talk to Max.  Good teacher.  So Max said that he told Dylan...even though Dylan didn't ask. :) I love him and I love the testimony he is developing.

He {and I :) } worked hard to ensure that he got enough minutes to get a gold medal in the Reading Olympics at school.  He does so well in school and loves it so much.

We're both big fans of spirit of my favorite weeks of the year!  I love having a son who gets into it. (Crazy Hair Day, Nerd Day, Mustache Day...not pictured: Hat Day, Neon Day)

A few weeks ago Max told me that he really liked a girl in his class named Eva.  I volunteer in the class every week but couldn't picture her for the life of me.  The next day I nonchalantly asked her name again {I couldn't remember it} because I planned to figure out which one she was when I went in this week {I remembered before I went in though}.  After I asked her name, Max took a loooong deep breath in with a slight smile on his lips, looking like he wanted to say something but was really hesitant.  I said, "What is it?  Just say it, bud.  You can tell me anything."  Smiling, but nervous, he said, "You know what kind of 'like' I mean, right? "  I couldn't keep a bit of a giggle from coming out because he was so dramatic about it.  I said that I thought so, but what did he mean by it.  He said that he thought she was pretty.  "She wears this really pretty black dress with snowflakes and other shapes on it and it has diamonds.  The skirt is black too and matches.  She looks really pretty in it.  I bet she won't wear it today, but it is really pretty."  Oh man.  "She probably doesn't like me back like that, but I don't care.  I just really like her.  I mean, I don't play with her or anything.  She's not a sports girl, she likes being chased and I'm not on the Dino Team {the Dino Team is the group of boys and one girl who chase girls around at recess}."  I have to say that based on last year's crush in Kindergarten and Eva this year, my boy has good taste.  They are adorable little girls.  I once again encouraged his sports playing at recess and discouraged involvement with the Dino Team. Ha!  He's not even 7...

He pulled out his own tooth - 8th tooth lost.  Just went in the bathroom and yanked it out.  It ain't no thang.

Max had a great basketball season.  I love watching him dribble like a mad man around the much bigger guys and girls he plays against.  There was one other guy smaller than him on his team this year.  But he is a really good player and gets better all the time.  One time he was in the middle of a huge group of players from the opposing team...they just surrounded him and he had nobody to pass to and no way to get out.  He just kept dribbling {like, for a l o n g time}, looking for an opening.  Finally he found one and dribbled out of the group and made a shot!  He has so much confidence and really loves the game.

Tuesday night Max was wearing a tight pajama shirt and playing football {as usual} when he stopped after seeing his reflection in the sliding glass door and said, "Look!  You can see my muscles through this shirt!"  Then he pointed to the line that separates his rib cage {because when he's shirtless you can see every.single.rib.  He does that all the time, thinks the definition of his rib cage is muscle.  It brings joy to my heart.  He is so stinkin' skinny but has no idea.  Max has been surprised lately to find out that he's kinda short.  He said to me one day that one of the boys playing football at recess was mad that the QB kept throwing to Max because he's so short.  He was genuinely surprised to hear someone say that he was short.  And last night out of the blue he said, "Mom, I'm kind of short."  I assured him he was just right.  Ty is incredulous, "How could he not know??"  There are a few kids shorter than him in his class, but he is definitely among the short group of boys.  It will be fun to see what his body and height do as he gets older.  I'll love that boy's body no matter what it looks like.  He does say that he's glad he's so skinny because it will give him a better chance of bring a wide receiver someday.  :)

{For most of the pictures below, he had no idea I was taking them.  He was looking at himself in the mirror...hahaha!  He's such a hoot}


This boy makes me laugh every single day.  He is a character with a capital C and I love him so much.

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