Sunday, July 04, 2010

The Haps

I know we're a little late to the game, but we just got Max a bike for his birthday and we finally made it to a flat surface (Ridgetop track) to teach the boy how to pedal properly. We live on a pretty steep hill, so the track it is. He's a pro (albeit a little timid and cautious) and we're proud!


Max and Kelly built a "Mighty Machine" which consisted of almost every toy in their bedroom being piled onto the baby bassinet in some form. Apparently one has to pose with a serious expression when showing off their Mighty Machine.

We camped! (Again! Because we really like it!) You'd think when you make nonrefundable reservations for the perfect camping spot for the 4th of July weekend that you could count on some sun. You'd think you wouldn't have to pack - and USE -your kids coats and beenies. You'd think you would be packing swimming suits to cool off in the Hood Canal when you get a little hot. Well, you might think that but you'd be totally WRONG! We ended up not even going the first night because there was so much rain in the forecast for the night (which materialized and we were glad to be in our home that night), but had fun the time we did spend. It's oh-so-beautiful at Scenic Beach and we did have some dry times with a little warmth. *When, oh when, is the darn summer going to start around here?!*
Beautiful surroundings almost made up for no sun
Is that cute or what?
Our dear friends, the Lintons, joined us for dinner since our site was just 20 minutes from home. This is Reyes, two months younger than Max and his BEST friend. They love each other so much. Reyes is a total doll.
The self-designated hammock pusher
Ryan, Max, Reyes, Kelly, Tyler and Camila
My beautiful friend, Marcela
Camila (she's 6 days younger than Everett) and Ty


I had a Funny Face Photo Session with Max to the Max when we got home (and were smelling better)


I like this little man-o-mine. Lots.


Poulsbo, a Norwegian town just north of us has a 3rd of July fireworks show every year, which worked out nicely since the 4th landed on Sunday. So we ventured along with the rest of the Kitsap Peninsula to enjoy the show. And enjoy it we did! It doesn't get dark until about 10:15 so 'twas a late night for our munchkins. But worth it, we decided. I love a good fireworks show!
Kelly and Ty taking advantage of the over-priced fireworks on a nearby Indian reservation
The flash was harsh on their little eyes :)
Again with the harsh flash
My manly men beautifully withstanding their desire to squint when faced with bright lights

Now I'm headed out front to watch my man do our own little pyrotechnics show!


Emily Youngdell said...

Too bad we can't go camping together because we also love it. Maybe someday...
Anyways, I can't believe it was that cold! Crazy. I'm glad you guys had fun though.
By the way, I really enjoyed your last funny face! Thanks for the laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

what a fun post! i love reading all of your posts and seeing pictures of your family. your kids are the cutest.:) i can't believe how big everett is already getting! AND, i love the hammock pictures.:)