Saturday, April 18, 2009


A few days ago I was playing on the floor in the hallway with Kelly.  She crawled away and I was just laying there watching her and Max play in his room for a bit.  Then I looked up at Max's window and saw these beautiful green trees.

I'd been feeling so impatient with the weather.  I wanted steady sunshine and warmth.  I had been waiting for what felt like months for the tulips we planted to pop up and my trees to get leaves.  I'd been feeling especially grouchy about it that day.  But then I saw these trees and realized that they look just like that all winter long.  I live in the evergreen state, for goodness' sake, and here I'd been complaining that I wanted some beauty to return to my part of the earth.  Beauty has been here all along - it is super green and lush all the time - but because it is always there I don't notice it much.  I said a little prayer of gratitude in my heart for the beautiful place I live in...and vowed to appreciate it more.  What do you know, just when I did my first tulip showed its colors.  Nothing like laying on the ground in your hallway to give you a little perspective!
Last Saturday we headed out to lunch and then a park since the weather was decent.  We had no idea that the park in Poulsbo *a little town north of us with Viking heritage, thus the plethora of vikings in our pictures* was holding an easter egg hunt!  Score for the parents who look like they planned it. AND we were there just 15 minutes before it started.  We armed Max with a ziploc bag we were lucky to find in the van (good thing I don't clean it out as often as I should!) and sent him out to run around like a crazy man with the rest of the 3-4-year-olds.

FABULOUS day...and not just from the *almost* 3-year-old's perspective.  Oh, and can you believe that that (center, above) is how Kelly sits the entire time she's riding on shoulders?!  We can't get her to sit straight.  It cannot be comfortable.  But it makes us laugh.

These pictures just make my heart happy.  Here sits a woman content with her world.

Decent Easter-dressed-for-Church-photos?
How about a little perspective?

Now you think those first pictures are AMAZING, don't you?!  Welcome to the world and mind-set of a mom with toddlers.
From my naive perspective, I thought that since this little lady refuses to walk, I surely wouldn't have to deal with climbing just yet.  So wrong.  She makes me nervous and climbs on everything she can.  We try to leave this bathroom door shut now because I hate to think of her falling on the hard ground in there.  But anytime we forget, she bee-lines in *laughing/squealing because she knows we're coming after her* and climbs on up.  In a matter of minutes the other day Ty found her up by the sink on the counter.  Aaack!  She still seems way too little.  But, really, who wouldn't love to play with that little girl in the mirror?

"Mom totally thinks that I just took all of the cereal boxes out of the cupboard.  Little does she know...oh wait, Mom, don't come any closer or you'll see what I've really been doing whilst sitting here quietly for the last ten minutes.  Darn, she saw!"

A few feet can give a lot of perspective - an emptied box all over her lap.

So for my FIRST EVER sewing project, I thought I would start by buying $50 worth of material and gettin' down to business to make myself some curtains.  Ty thought that I should start on some scraps of material :), but that's just not how I roll.  Now, from the perspective of a seasoned seamstress, I'm sure these would be laughable...but from where I sit they look pretty darn good!  A tiny bit crooked on the bottom, not-super-straight lines on my final stitch on the edges, but still a lasting product that I thoroughly enjoy.  I am pleased and no longer scared of my sewing machine.  Thanks again to the Momma who gave me a 1-hour crash course on my machine when she was here in March!
From a bird's perspective, wouldn't this totally be the place you would choose to get your grub?!  I have a little boy who is REALLY counting on it!
So if you know any hungry birds who are looking for a free meal...we're open for business!


Emily Youngdell said...

Love all of the pictures, and especially the gorgeous curtains!! Good job, my friend. You are indeed a seamstress now. :)

Kristen said...

I thought the curtains were awesome. Now you are going to have to teach me. The pictures were very cute. I can't wait to see your kids again, they are getting so big! Oh and I can't wait to see you again too:)

Angie said...

Hey! I haven't been on your blog for awhile. I can't believe what a big girl Kelly is! I love your classy. And your bird house. What a fun mommy-son project. What crazy bird wouldn't want to eat in your backyard now?

Ann said...

I love all the pictures--especially the ones of your kiddies in their Easter duds! And I am LOVING your curtains! Good job!

Shawna said...

From what I've seen, you do live in a gorgeous place.
Ok, and Mandy's not letting me write more, but I love the pictures of your adorable babies. And your curtains are awesome!

Monique said...

The kids are adorable in their Easter outfits. I love the pic of Kelly eating her Easter candy, girl after my own heart. I love your drapes too, great job!

Beth said...

loved the post! Good job on the curtains! My mom taught me how to sew growing up, but I thought it was pointless then! Now, I wish I had paid better attention. I am about to attempt my first project! And, how fun for the Easter Egg hunt!! AND, they look adorable in their clothes!


Thanks for the extra cheers! I needed it. I made it, survived, and it was an absolutely amazing experience! I will blog about it hopefully this weekend!!

The Nicks Family said...

Don't you love when they start climbing?!! She looks so proud! Your kids are too cute and I can't wait to see them again! Love ya!!

Jana Banana said...

Hi, its me :) i just breifly scanned through all your blogs... haha not scary just as a friend :) You are so funny and a very deep person! I like being your friend. I wanted to hang out with you today but feeling a bit yucky :( maybe next week. I am glad I met you!

campblondie said...

Well, my perspective is that I love your curtains!